Doctor Who: Worlds Apart

Does anyone play Doctor Who: Worlds Apart?

I signed up to this and get emails every now and then, I’ve even tried to play once but had a bit of bother setting it up (it was Early Access then I think).

I want to like it, it has gorgeous artwork that I am so jealous of, but the whole focus on NFTs just feels kinda… scammy to me? Especially as it’s not really ‘officially’ launched yet has it? It says on the FAQs “We are working hard to release the game out of beta sometime during 2023.” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I may be wrong about it, but it just feels a bit icky to me. Thoughts?

I genuinely don’t understand why stuff like this gets a license, and yet we don’t have better Doctor Who video games.


Don’t understand NFTs or the point of them and the whole thing just looked like a way of getting a huge amount of money out of fans and giving them sod all in return.


I’ve played it a bit about two months ago. The card game itself seems fine, but it will get very repetitive very soon.

Just logged on and in the new patch notes they say they can’t guarantee that progress won’t suddenly get erased, but they’ll accept micro transactions for stuff?

And they definitely are trying to mine fans for money, there are 3 different levels of season passes and micro transactions for two different kinds of “gems” + the option to buy NFT for cards as far as I understand.
It’s just not worth it frankly, a waste of time and money.
(Want to invest in Doctor Who style? Buy copies of Lungbarrow!)


Oh, I dunno. Sounds to me like you COMPLETELY understand the point of NFTs.


I just came across this again - the game is now out on iOS and Android, and it seems they have removed the NFTs :tada: (although what happens for people that bought them? I can’t find any info on this)

If anyone wants to join you can use my invite code and we get free stuff: 8DP8N5

Haven’t started playing it yet but I used to really enjoy Hearthstone so hoping it’s similar!

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Is it finally on Android - the article about it was in DWM months ago and it just never seemed to materialise beyond the PC.




I’ll probably give it a whirl then.


It’s not compatible with my phone :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I have downloaded this and I am trying the tutorial, but I have no idea what I am doing.


I’m somewhat interested in the game, but want to see what other people think of it first.

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I’ve played a few games of it and…it’s fine. Nothing worth pouring lots of time into, but a harmless distraction (the art is dodgy in places though, what is up with that 5th Doctor?)


i downloaded this on my computer ages ago but… idk i didnt click with it. it has potential but idk


It feels similar to Marvel Snap. The mobile version seems more functional than the PC version.

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Played the early access, downloaded this on my phone. Liking it a lot, it feels like Marvel Snap but with a Doctor Who twist. Definitely fun for a couple of rounds, and I really like how the card abilities match the character’s stories. (7 being a planner, Daleks exterminate, etc) I do feel a little limited in my deck building options, but I feel like that’ll improve as I get more cards (but it is slow.)

I really like the time travel mechanic, it feels cool, it’s interesting, and it creates a lot of cool opportunities with the card mechanics. Invading from the future with cybermen or moving powerful cards from the past just feels Doctor Who-y.

The monetization feels like monetization, but I don’t engage with that part of the game and it doesn’t really intrude, so I don’t mind too much. I have been able to consistently earn enough currency resources to buy new card bundles consistently, so that feels good.

Overall, as someone who spent a lot of time on Marvel Snap, I’m really enjoying this game, and I like the level of strategy offered. It’s the first Doctor Who game I’ve played that actually feels like a Doctor Who game, and not just a game with a Doctor Who paint coat.

(Also, my 7th Doctor Dalek Death Squad deck is great, I love exterminating Doctors)


I was obsessed with Marvel Snap for about 6 months but haven’t played it now for over a year. The same is bound to happen with this.


That has already happened for me when I played the Beta version 8-10 months ago…
Took a single match today, but don’t think I’ll get hooked again :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I’m getting the hang of the game but I don’t like how small everything is. I like the sound bites though and think I’m understanding some of the strategy even if still don’t understand some of the rules.

(It is making me want to play Marvel Snap again).