(but also, please don’t screw it up!!!)
(but also, please don’t screw it up!!!)
I mean, it’s already been cut down as “Daleks’ Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.”, so maybe they could colorise that?
Also, a Note to add here: Apparently it’s the 60th Anniversary of that Episode in particular, so maybe they posted this clip again for the Celebration of this Milestone?
I am pointing this out, so people trim their possible expectations for a Return of Susan (I still would love it, but it feels somewhat unlikely for me, sadly).
That does explain them posting the entire episode on youtube, too.
I wonder which direction they will go in: the Doctor and Belinda being sucked into the cartoon, or the cartoon characters entering the real world and it becoming like a Doctor Who version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Doctor Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
God I would be so down for both of those. I’m already so hyped for this episode!
I went to the Discord thing and found some info about season 2 from @beqowl
Well, that’s info we’ve known for almost three months already! Keep up! /j
EDIT: There’s more juicy info in the latest DWM. Such as the acronym for Episode 1 being “TRR” (start guessing!); or that a weapon from Series 1 making a return in Season 2 or The War Between; or Episode 7 containing the words “violets, owl, threshold, poppy, slip, Chinese (yay @AlfieSigma) and Persephone”; or that one of the writers of Season 2 contributes their very first TV script; or that one new creature we’ll meet next year is called RAD by the production team, and is a quotable favourite…
If it is not in the thread it is considered new info. Don’t blame me, I don’t make the rules!
From the clip we are given of episode one, the new companion is either a doctor, a nurse, or a regular patient at the hospital? What are we thinking?
(Both doctor and nurse companions have been done already!)
I’m thinking “Investigate Reporter: Belinda Chandra” following in her cousin Rani’s footsteps
I think she’s a time-travelling archaeologist! Just to have us argue even more about who the best one is!
(It’ll still be Benny)
Do that mean water in Danish? Is there no word for River in Danish?
Can’t remember where I saw it, so take with a grain of salt, but people were saying she’s a nurse
A nurse has also been done before!
@MrColdStream is back at work and it is:
I’ve seen people speculate “The Red Robots” based on the red robots in the trailer