Doctor Who - Ruby Red by Georgia Cook

Alot of interesting thougts :slight_smile:

Interesting. I thought that it would have fitted very well into this season. But your review got me thinking. It might just be that I think this season would have been better with one of these kinds of episodes.

I have thought that this has always been the case with the first couple of books of a new doctor but I did not feel this with this. I thought that Cook was good at capturing the essence of 15 and especially good at capturing how 15 talks.


I have to say that she did it better than what others have done with their first books (such as Nine in The Clockwise Man, he’s unrecognisable). I just didn’t get the full Ncuti geel from him, but perhaps I’m not yet completely sold on this incarnation either, I don’t know :man_shrugging:t3:

This is the kind of episode that would have been perfect for a longer season of 10-12 episodes. Just a simple adventure in between the more serious, experimental or momentous episodes.


It might just be that I think that this season is a bit short.


Just started Ruby Red this morning. Actually, it moves along at quite a swift pace so I find myself getting carried along by events rather nicely.

Pretty good, yes. I’d say maybe 80% there for me. There are definitely moments where Georgia Cook’s portrayal of 15 veers more towards 11 and I can absolutely hear Matt Smith saying some of those lines (moreso than Ncuti) but that’s always the issue with early stories for a new regen.

Certainly! As I say, mostly there for me. Cook’s portrayal of Ruby is even better and I think she really has captured the character’s voice.

Anyway, I’m already enioying this. It’s not particularly deep, but it IS great fun!


For those who have read this, does there happen to be a Susan Twist cameo in the book?


I don’t think that it had any. But I could be wrong.


There is no Susan Twist cameo in this, but there is a small mention of falling snow. That was the only reference to this season’s mysteries I could spot.


Finished this. Pretty solid and definitely enjoyable. My interest was waning a little by the middle of the book but it soon switched up a gear and had me hooked until the end. Then again, if you’ll excuse the pun, I’ve always been a sucker for slippery slimy sucker laden parasites and cephalopodian creatures. :wink:


Just in time for the next book that release in two days :wink:


I have it on preorder, though I’m going to be late to the party (again) as I have quite a list building up. Following recommendations from folks on here, my next read will be…

“Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son”

Seems I’ve missed out with this series. It’ll be good to get reacquainted with the Brig. :smiley:


I have not read that. Please tell me what you think when you are done.


Count on it.


I have just listened to the first 45 minutes of the audiobook, and I really like the way Millie Gibson reads this. Her narration is kind of calming, and I really enjoy listening to the accent.


I had a hard time deciding on witch version I should go for. Mostly because of Millie. Decided on the ebook because I wanted something to read but I am not sure that I made the right decision.


I mean the only reason I got the audiobook as well as the book was because I had an audible credit and wanted to hear it as well. But while the narration is pretty good, (and especially the things Ruby say sound more played than read) it really doesn’t make too much of a difference in my opinion. I personally like the act of reading but when I enjoyed a book I often still think about getting the audiobook because I can do other things while listening.
I think it is believable that it might get made available on Libby or something someday, so one can listen into it some more.


So I finished the audiobook. It was pretty solidly read.
And I am totally overthinking this, but I had a thought:
So I am assuming that the book is set somewhere before the finale, because of obvious reasons, and at one point the Doctor says something like ‘I am going to use you to jumpstart the TARDIS’ to the Genetrix and it answers something like ‘no, you’ll kill me’ and the Doctor told it that it was just going to be asleep for a long time. Anyway with Sutekh sitting on top of the TARDIS, wouldn’t it also be very much likely that it would actually kill the Genetrix, because he is kind of connected to it. And thus kind of already siphoning energy from the TARDIS? Maybe the Genetrix even knew that something else was there at the TARDIS? Idk.
Like I said I am definitely overthinking this…


I like it! I am going to assume that this is the case now.


I do plan on reading this at some point, but will try to get it through my library. Unfortunately, physical printed book versions of both this and Caged don’t release in the USA until September 10. (At least according to US Amazon.)


I’m about halfway through the audiobook now (I listen as I go to sleep so it could be a long time before I finish haha) and I am enjoying the story well enough.

Not fully convinced by Millie Gibson as a narrator though, unfortunately - I keep feeling like she’s deliberately trying to talk really quietly like you do when other people are asleep and you’re trying not to wake them, and it’s a little jarring


1/3 through the audiobook and I gave up. Also listen as I try to sleep, and I fall asleep quickly. The whole thing just doesn’t interest me much. :face_exhaling: