Just played the first one. It was okay but the control was pretty bad and it was pretty slow. I think that they mostly are seen as good because of the lack of competition and not if you compare them to other games that a not Doctor Who.
To be fair, there’s things on the site that it is impossible to complete
Sure unless you count telesnap reconstructions like most people do, but it’s technically not the original
I know but you’re talking about decades-old stuff that got deleted because they ran out of tapes.
The Lost in Time game is deliberately made to give you the “fear of missing out” because you know you’re not going to complete it in time, so it forces you to pay money and watch ads. It’s a dark pattern, one well known in the industry of these mobile games.
Was curious and downloaded (and deleted) it very recently but yeah, agree with everyone else on the thread that it’s not worth the time and effort to grind through all the episodes. Plus I went and read a plot summary on the wiki and the overarching story is pretty Meh.
Plus I already play the Star Trek: Lower Decks idle game from the same company and frankly, it’s way better in terms of design (not as Cluttered, plus has a battery saver mode) and story compared to Lost In Time.
Idle games can definitely be fun, I’ve played some for a long time. I want a fun Doctor Who idle game. This isn’t it, lol
After playing through a few episodes, I can see this games only goal is to make money as it constantly offers you packages you can pay for to speed things up, and the story pops up every so often being fairly sensical. Disappointing.
I tried to get The Last Dalek running on my laptop but it just wouldn’t work past the menu. Wondering whether to try with the Adventure Games too or just watch a play through on YouTube. I’m am feeling nostalgic for the Dalek one.
I played the first episode of that kind of resent. It is okay but the control has not aged that well and did not want to continue after that
I just had the exact same thing, I launched it in anticipation of the Star Trek crossover but it’s completely reset my progress to the start again
Yeah, I dropped it when the monetisation started getting egregious, around the time of the 60th.
It’s not a good game, frankly. It’s taking a cookie cutter format and just slapping Doctor Who characters on it. I mean cookie cutter in the truest sense. They announced a crossover just last night with a Star Trek game that seems to be the same thing, back when I played Lost in Time I was regularly gettings ads for a game about farming cannabis that’s the exact same thing. That’s just the mobile game ecosystem for you.
It’s mindless, it’s a duplicate, and it exists primarily to make you spend money because you like Doctor Who characters. It got me hooked for a time through the novelty of that, but it wears thin, and I didn’t put any money down.
Story wise, it’s all naff, just enough to keep people playing to see the next snippet of dialogue but rarely any substance. There’s definitely interest for a fan, I liked 13 confronting Omega, but even those small moments of satisfaction are, by design, few and far between.
This isn’t a takedown of Lost in Time though, it’s mobile games in general - especially tie-in ones. We’re not yet at the point where we’re getting anything truly inspired or substantial, because the key to success on the app store is slop and the regurgitation of it people will download simply because it’s free to start with.
Just downloaded this out of intrigue and, yeah. There’s not a whole lot going on, is there? But it is completely designed to be addictive, and I think I’ll probably play for a few weeks until I get bored
I’ve started “playing” this again because I was intrigued about people saying it has “story”.
So far, because of the reset, I’m on Episode 7. The cutscenes are still incredibly low quality “hello Doctor, oh look time is playing up, and here’s a Cyberman, argh!”. There’s really nothing like a story yet.
I’m trying to play it without paying any money or watching any ads, just to spite them lol but sometimes it literally forces you to watch an ad to progress which isn’t really fair.
And the sad thing is, I also downloaded the Star Trek Lower Decks game which, yes it’s a copy-and-paste duplicate of this game just with different assets but actually it’s also a much better game. The interface is snappier and things like when you get boxes, you can skip them quicker and easier. And there is actually a half-decent story, which progresses and there are facial animations and the camera moves. It’s so much better. Which makes me mad.
Does Lost in Time get any better or is it all like this?
To me this ranks among the lowest entries among the entire franchise. Just a game without gameplay or even the feeling of a real story beyond the most generic, cookie-cutter set-up possible.
Possibly for the best for my sanity because I felt this getting wayyy too addictive, but I’ve hit a glitch on the game where it thinks I don’t know about the ‘season pass’ and won’t let me do anything but click it, but then won’t let me claim anything or move on past that screen. Kind of annoying, I was doing well too
I decided to try playing this game for the crossover because I love Star Trek as well as Doctor Who (obvs), and it’s actually very addictive, but it’s so depressing how much technically better the Star Trek game is.
These are screenshots from the crossover events in each game. First, the Doctor Who game:
The characters are just stiff, solid images. They don’t move. They don’t change expressions. When they need to face different directions, the images just flip. There’s no life. The stories are always “oh no there’s a villain, oh here is how we defeat it, next!”. If this were a comic it would be the most boring, bland comic you’ve ever read.
And here is the crossover from Lower Decks:
It’s the exact same boring gameplay but at least the story in between is a little more interesting, and the characters have personality. They are animated, their mouths move when they talk, they have tonnes of different facial expressions.
I just wish the Doctor Who game was better served.
Oh well. I’ll keep clicking. Hate the ads too. They now offer a £20/month subscription to skip the ads and I thought I was cheeky for asking £10/month for the highest (optional) patron subscription to my site lol.
Yeah! And even then, the story was kinda Meh and also weirdly short for their usual weekend events. Can’t believe that’s all they had to give after all the hype lol.
This app is still boring af but it is something mindless to click on every now and again. However! I have a complaint! Something very petty but still irritating to me - they have a sub-event on rn which is to collect Four’s TARDIS and ‘Victorian Leela’ and one of the cards they’re giving out is ‘Victorian Sarah’ which is frankly ridiculous because Sarah is clearly in her Masque of Mandragora dress which obviously was set in the 15th century so it should be ‘Renaissance Sarah’. Duh (Doctor Who fan? Pedantic? Never…
I totally forgot this game existed, thanks for the reminder lol (still not playing though)
I downloaded this last week and quickly got addicted so I had to uninstall it. I found it enjoyable enough as I like idle games. The only other Doctor Who game I’ve played is The Lonely Assassins, which I ended up not finishing after getting stuck at one part.
The Lonely Assassins is brilliant, I recommend you give it another go and use a walkthrough if you get stuck. It’s so worth it!!
I might play it again actually.
I have it on Switch but have not played it. Need to do that.