Doctor Who FanFilm (DynamicWorks2012)

Now, on this one, I’ve only watched the first 20 minutes of the first episode, but it looks like a promising series of Doctor Who fan episodes, and thus far, seems to be live action with no ponies involved.

Seems to be getting the alienness of the Doctor about right, at any rate…

Having watched the first episode, acting was variable, but the actor playing the Doctor was pretty good, as were the Cybermen. Effects were decent, and the fact that Doctor Who doesn’t usually have the highest budget anyways doesn’t hurt. Plot was a bit basic, but I don’t expect much from a Doctor’s first story anyways…

Oooh, I’m going to give this one a watch at some point, sounds intriguing!

With 39 videos in the playlist, should be plenty to watch if you end up liking it! (10 are rather short and seem to be minisodes, mind.)

Thanks, good to know! I’ll use them as time killers when I have extra time to spare :smiley:

No problem!

Know the feeling, too. I had enough time for one, but the others are probably going to wait…

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This series is great, but I should mention that their current season 1 is a reshot version of the original, and they’re planning on reshooting season 2. Because of this, the original seasons 1 and 2 are no longer on youtube (but might be findable elsewhere), so it jumps right from season 1 to season 3, and when season 3 starts, there’s a noticable dip in quality (also, any flashbacks in seasons 3 and 4 are to the original versions of seasons 1 and 2, with lower quality, and sometimes different actors)

Thanks for the heads up! Didn’t notice the missing season 2. You’d think they’d have left it up until they had the new version reshot…