Doctor Who Fan Audios!

A place to talk about and send your favorite Doctor Who fan audios!!!

Some fan audio channels I know of!

Time Siren Productions - YouTube
Origin Productions - YouTube
What Fourth Wall Productions - YouTube
Dark Design Dramas - YouTube
Master of Shadows Studios - YouTube
Mr. M Works (Void Productions) - YouTube
Instability Productions - YouTube
ManAtDeskProductions - YouTube

There’s obviously many more these are just the ones I remembered off the top of my head!


Also sharing my own audio drama channel here, lmao
Quantum Rhythm - YouTube


3ddoctorwho - Youtube


A couple that I’m aware of:

VocaLAB Productions
WHO Corner to Corner


Off the top of my head, there’s

Twelfth Doctor Fan Audios
Spectral Horizons
Across the Universe
Overton Audios
DDK Productions (more of a hybrid, with both fanfilms and audios as part of a single narritive arc)


Wow there are a lot.
I am not familiar with any of them…


It’s very worth looking into them. Honestly some are very high quality.

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Also, on that note I have a fan audio of my own releasing on the 21st of this month actually. Episode one is already out and I’m quite hopeful people will like episode two just as much if not more.


I recommend to others here to also check out The Celestial Mechanic on YouTube and music streaming apps. They score a lot of audio series and do doctor who rescored a series where the rescore doctor who.
The Celestial Mechanic - YouTube

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Is this available on any other platforms, other than YouTube?

Yes actually it’s on Spotify as well!

Well, it’s probably worth mentioning the following:
Doctor Whooves and Assistant, by Ponies with Pockets:

Doctor Whooves Adventures, originally by Pony In A Box:

And is being picked back up by Ponies with Pockets with what’s left of Pony In a Box, as the main person behind that group’s been mia for a good while.

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Absolutely! I love all things Doctor Whooves ngl? Thank you for sharing!