Doctor Who Dreams

I don’t often remember my dreams but every now and again one is really vivid and sticks in my mind.

The night before last I dreamt I was in a relationship with Bill Potts/Pearl Mackie!

(Nothing saucy btw - it was a strictly U certificate dream).

Have you ever had a Doctor Who dream?


I relatively often have dreams about audios… I can’t remember any right now but Leela is often in my dreams :slight_smile:


I probably have, but cannot remember them!

I used to remember my dreams a lot when I was younger, but a lot less now in my adult years.


I had two dreams connected to Doctor Who. The first one happened while I was still at school, and it involved 13th Doctor helping me to solve some mystery (I don’t remember details, it was probably 5 or 6 years ago). I also had a dream this year in which I was the 6th Doctor. It involved me getting… trapped? I remember levitating in some old castle (without being able to move). I think my dream was heavily influenced by the comic story ‘Voyager’ from DWM which I was reading lately


I’ve had quite a few. Mostly just the plots of normal dreams with random Who actors thrown in. I tend to dream very vividly.
Most interesting one off the top of my head was Eight trying to convince me I didn’t have a bug infestation under my skin. Spoilered because it’s a bit icky, but nothing unsurprising for the Eighth Doctor Adventures…

Off the top of my head, Eight, Ten and Five for some reason have all starred or guest starred in my dreams. I think Jamie and Donna have appeared maybe once each. As for what they were doing, I can’t really remember.


I can only remember one Doctor Who related dream from a few years ago.

I was on a desert island watching, of all things, a Cliff Richard concert. The Fourth Doctor was also there, big coat, hat and scarf.

There was a large screen behind Cliff and it suddenly turned into some sort of portal and began sucking everything through it - including me and the Doctor.

The next thing I know, it’s night time and we’re in an alleyway in some city trying to hide from black-uniformed soldiers driving a futuristic looking van.

Then I woke up so I’ve no idea how we eacaped thr soldiers. I’ve also no idea what happened to Cliff. He disappeared after the island.


I was planning to listen to subterfuge for the first time today (I’ve heard bad things about it and have been putting it off) and last night I had a dream where I listened to the whole thing.

I made up the entire plot of an audio story in my dream and I don’t even remember what it was -_-

The only thing I remember was wondering when the Monk would be out of character, because I heard he’s written like the master in subterfuge, but in my dream he was just like Rufus Hound Monk usually is


Probably plenty over my twenty years as a doctor who fan but unfortunately none come to mind atm aside from a really bad case of sleep paralysis I got the night or so after The Time Of Angels aired and the bookcase in the corner of my room looked suspiciously weeping angel sized under the moonlight. Not particularly pleasant lol


He isn’t written like the Master really but it’s a fairly middle of the road story.


I remember almost all of my dreams and had a good amount of Doctor who ones.

One of them was about a Doctor who con at my elementary school and I met two actors. I had another one with the same actors but we were being chased by aliens.

A female doctor looking for her companion, Bill Potts but comes across someone she’s seen before, Clara and her previous incarnation, which was the 12th Doctor. This was before series 11 came out. Clara and Oswin meeting and talking to each other after Clara and the 11th Doctor talking about it for a while.

A whole bunch of characters from 11 to 12’s era teaming up with UNIT to investigate something. Clara, Ashildr, Bonnie, 10th and 11th Doctor team up to help solve a problem that an alien species is dealing with. The last 4 turned into fanfiction.


Last night I dreamed that Peter Davison was my boss’ father. Then I dreamed I was watching “the Doctor Who version of The Hound of the Baskervilles,” which had the First Doctor with Watson, Steven, and Sara as his companions.


I actually had a Doctor Who Dream last night but more about the meta of it.

There were Doctor Who Idents on BBC One for Christmas and I watched them all on YouTube and shared them here, asking people which was their favourite :laughing:

I do miss the Idents from the peak of NuWho, hope we get some this year!


(If you’re not sure what an Ident is, here is one from the Tennant years!)


I used to have Doctor Who related dreams, but I hardly remember my dreams anymore.

I do have an interesting one though, when I was much much younger, I had a dream that was essentially the plot of the Abominable Snowmen. At this point, I hadn’t read the target novelisation (which I think is superb), or had even watched any Troughton recons at this point… this was like early 2011 or 2012 I think?

Weird coincidence I guess!


So you’re having dreams about trying to beat me to top spot on the leaderboard then…


Spent all night dreaming about Echoes of Eternity :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: dreamed I met Gary Russell and blabbed on at him about it for ages


I had a weird Doctor Who dream the other day but forgot to post it thanks for the bump.

I went to some kind of convention to meet Alex Kingston and I thought to myself she looks different in person, but when I woke up I realised I had imagined her as Miriam Margolyes :joy:

In case you don’t know who that is: (she did the voice of Beep the Meep)


Been listening to a lot of classic aussie rock music lately (and by that I mean mostly Midnight Oil) and had a dream that Tegan and I were belting them out on a karaoke night



I’m not entirely sure what that substitution says about your subconscious thoughts…


Another weird dream, I dreamt that the next Doctor Who Magazine was all blank pages - the pages where thick, brown card and a marker pen was included.

There was a separate booklet with instructions on what to draw / write on each page. It was essentially a “build your own magazine”.

I posted here complaining that as I got the download instead of the physical mag it was a ripoff because there was no new content and I couldn’t even draw on it.

How strange :joy: