Doctor Who Connections - Monsters Edition

Find groups of four items that share something in common.

If you don’t know how to play, check out Connections on NYTimes.

Ood The Toymaker Zygons Judoon
Macra Sontarans The Master Davros
Silence Movellans Werewolf Time Agents
Rassilon Carrionites Fairies Sea Devils

As a heads up, the groups aren’t just each row or column, you need to figure out the groups too (e.g. Ood, Toymaker, Zygons, and Judoon isn’t a group)

Also I’ll let people know if they got one off a full connection as well as if they got the full thing


Well a quick look at it and these are my thoughts:

My guesses

Ood, Silence, Judoon, Carrionites - all “revival” era monsters

But I also thought Carrionites, Fairies and Werewolves are all fantastical creatures, but then can’t see a fourth

This is tough :sweat_smile:

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The guess of Ood, Silence, Judoon, Carrionites is one off

I shall have to give this some thought.

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I think I have one

The Toymaker, The Master, Rassilon, and Davros

Characters who have been played by multiple actors

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I considered doing that as a connection, but so have all the monsters, or I’d need another character to balance that out so they’re not just ‘A character not a species’ or something like that

That all said, the guess of The Toymaker, The Master, Rassilon, and Davros is one off

@gravesgate managed to get them all with a couple of (fairly vague) hints

proud of myself :’)


I’ve made it into into a playable connections game!





























Hmmm - bit too much random clicking on my part but loving this.

I’ll try harder on the next one.

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This is hard… But fun!

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Jumping Jehoshaphat, this is a challenge!


























































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I’m still trying this and it’s making me mad lol

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I will not reveal the amount of random clicking this took me :flushed::grin:

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Can someone give me a hint before I throw my laptop out the window? :smiley:


Definitely some guessing on this but I’m proud of how immediately I locked onto the first category










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Nice, congrats!!!

One’s Season related, and one’s related to a big finish release