Doctor Who Connections - Events Edition

Not as easy as yesterday, but think this one’s a bit nicer

Sorry in advance about tomorrow’s though



















This was a good difficulty, I immediately saw two of the connections, but there were enough red herrings to keep me guessing

Hold up hold up, did that stuff really happen during Miracle Day? I’m sure it was in the same timeframe but it just doesn’t make sense :exploding_head:

Anyway I did it via loads of random clicking, I’m terrible at these :laughing: but they are fun!

Embarrassingly bad score


I didn’t know who Emma and her lover were so that threw me off. The presence of Clyde and Kitzinger made me think it was something to do with spinoffs so that sent me down a rabbit hole, I guessed “first doctor is present” but also thought there was a “series finale” connection there which threw me off… the Miracle Day thing was a random guess, as was Master’s plans, I am a bad fan :laughing:

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Miracle day lasts from 19th/20th of March 2011 to some time in September 2011
The Doctor dies at silencio on the 22nd of April 2011
Closing Time is 18-20th of April
With Clyde, to be fair we just know it’s some time from January to April 2011 so might not be, but I feel there’d be mention of being homeless at winter if it were earlier than march and I don’t remember there being, so yeah, technically headcanon on that one but more likely than not

With Emma and Her Lover I did nearly just say the doctor, but figured would be fun to throw people off a bit


I’m so sorry in advance for tommorrow

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I tried this for a bit, but this requires too much thinking that I don’t feel like doing right now, so I gave up. I have no clue where to even begin :joy:


absolutely fair

This was hard. Maybe Iam just bad at this game.















































oh no… hard…

I did not do so good on this one


I gave it another go, and finally got it after 66 wrong guesses and loads of random clicking! I realized I hadn’t watched Miracle Day in ages, so didn’t even think of that!









































































A bit too much random clicking from me again today



























































What evil torture is this?!?! Even with clicking on a @shauny’s spoiler above, I still can’t work out a single set?!


Glad I’m not the only one struggling!!

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Yeah this was definitely a lot of random guessing for me







































All I can say is it will be a miracle if you guess the blue set.


Oooh, I think I’ve worked two of them out… Be back in a bit… (I know I might need ‘a miracle’ but aside from one obvious event, I can’t get that one to work for me at the moment).

ETA: dammit - not working - maybe I’m too clever for these :wink:

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I cannot get more than three of any of my ideas!

Stories with ‘Curse’ in the title; Stories with ‘Time’ in the title; episodes involving ‘Inferno’; stories named after companions; stories with ‘Heaven’ in the title; multi-Doctor stories!!

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It took me a while to get the first one, but after that it wasn’t too hard to find the others.



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That Miracle Day one is nonsense - I refuse to believe it!!


Utterly utterly horrendous!

And people called my connection games hard!

I’m going off in a huff now:











































