Doctor Who Connections - Character Edition

After this going to stop doing these daily, is getting a bit much, maybe weekly or just whenever I feel about it, but ye


Hmm, some random clicking on my part, my brain isn’t with me today!


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My brain just doesn’t make these types of connections :slightly_smiling_face: But it is definitely fun playing :+1:




























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I probably could’ve finished it without some random clicking, but sometimes my brain fails to function

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The first two I figured out all by myself, the others however were a bit nore guesswork

















































Should have been better at that one but I had got death as an answer just not death by Cybermen. Also was trying to get resurrected in there for Jack, Grace and Rory but couldn’t work out another one.



Not too bad! Purple category I figured out pretty easily, green pretty easily after that, and then I just got lucky with guessing the yellow one I had no idea what it was I was going for something completely different.


got my butt kicked entirely. every answer was Almost a set i was guessing for a completely different reason. goddamn






































Quite a lot of random clicking haha






























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