This topic is just to show each other our doctor who collection/collections and also memories if theres a memory with it
Lets get shareing
It can be anything doesn’t have to be similar or like the things ive already shared
This topic is just to show each other our doctor who collection/collections and also memories if theres a memory with it
Lets get shareing
It can be anything doesn’t have to be similar or like the things ive already shared
Still have this from 2005 . Honestly who needed friends as a teen in school when you could go to a dr who exhibition for your 15th birthday with your parents
My shooting scripts book that has seen better days .but this holds to many memories and it was my life line during school at break so im not getting rid of it .
I’ve been collecting books for a while now, buying them here or there and my collection has taken up nearly an entire shelf in my bedroom. I think I first got turned onto the concept of book collection through youtubers like TJ Productions and his collections. Eventually, I found a bookstall in my town centre selling a bunch of PDAs and I picked up Storm Harvest, Superior Beings and The Eleventh Tiger, none of which I have read due to a reading slump that lasted multiple years, meaning I have read a very small percentage of my collection, although I’ve begun working my way through them now.
It’s only getting bigger and paired with my more recent obsession collecting Big Finish (downloads only, I neither have the space nor the money for physical releases), it is taking up a majority of spending.
Here’s my small physical collection. I don’t really collect any novels or comics (though I did get that Titan Comics Humble Bundle) as I just get most of my Who stuff through my library system. I’ve got a ton of Big Finish on an external drive and a handful of Doctor Who reference books on Kindle on my phone.
I’m a very pleased to see the 4th Edition of A History there - one of my favourite ever Doctor Who reference works.
aHistory and About Time are two of the best Doctor Who reference series ever written. It still amazes me that a little low-budget sci-fi show has possibly the most well documented history and production.
My video and audio collections in context:
And my small book collection (excluding the 2023 and 2024 Annuals), where they currently sit on my coffee table with some of the many other books I’ve bought but haven’t read yet, and don’t have space for on any of my bookshelves, regardless.
Here’s mine:
I’m running out of space!