'Doctor of War' REVIEWED!

I’m currently transferring all my reviews from the other site, and ‘Doctor of War’ was next up.

This mini-series was a complete and utter mess - only three of six stories were worth bothering with!

‘Dust Devil’


‘The Difference Office’

‘Who Am I?’

‘Time Killers’

‘The Key to Key to Time’


Great reviews! Will hold off reading the final 3 until ive heard the second boxset but fully agree with your points made in the first three reviews. It seemed like Big Finish didnt know what to do with the series and thats a shame


Pretty much agree with everything here - I don’t even think I finished the second boxset… Interesting premise and I can’t lie, I’d listen to anything for Narvin, but I think they went a little too wacky with these and ended up with nonsense

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It’s not surprising. BigFinish have already done an alternative ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ scenario which was excellent.

The fact ‘Anti-Genesis’ exists honestly just makes ‘Doctor of War’ that extra bit rubbish.


Without spoiling anything content wise from the second set, ‘Destiny’ is somehow better and worse than the first set.

It features the worst story of the mini-series, but it also features arguably the best.

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Yeah I wanted to love this series so badly but came out mostly hating it. Total and utter mess, Time Killers was by far the best part of it to me and I’m sorry but I found the finale abysmal. I had so much confidence in it because I love Tim Foley’s work and while I did like a lot of the ideas in it, it comes together as one big mess and the last 5-10 minutes really came off as them just trying to fill out the rest of the runtime to me personally. Some nice moments from Colin within that ending but it didn’t feel earned. Maybe I just went in with such a negative attitude because of the rest and that affected my ability to enjoy it?

They were going big and ambitious with this but I think it needed a little more structure throughout, less timeskips between stories and more time actually spent with The Warrior because more narrative cohesion and the ability to actually get invested in this version of the Doctor would’ve gone so far.

The Mind of Evil riff also just felt like a total timewaster. I try not to be too negative but this run really just brings it out of me.


The Nigels Fairs script was so rough. Obviously I’ve migrated these reviews from the other site, so it’s not that obvious that it actually took me 18 months to finish ‘Destiny’.

I wouldn’t say it’s worth it - the whole mini-series was a disaster - but that final episode had no right being as good as it was. They should have honestly saved it for a War Doctor set.

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I enjoyed it, but I spent most of the runtime scratching my head and thinking “this is great, but it could have been done in our universe”.

Like there was no need for it to feature in ‘Doctor of War’.

Honestly, I wouldn’t blame you if that were the case. As mentioned in a previous reply, there was an eighteen month gap between me listening to that God awful Nigel Fairs script and listening to ‘Time Killers’, so I feel like I got my hatred towards the series out the way.

Completely agree with this. I think Lou Morgan attempted to do something more character focused with ‘Aftershocks’, but that episode totally fell apart.

One of my biggest complaints by the end was that I still had no clue who the Warrior was.


Anti-Genesis is superb i have to agree


Oh, I couldn’t stand Who Am I. I felt the ending was so violating and horrible. Definitely put a stop to my enjoyment of the series :frowning:


It’s definitely the worst story of the set. I was actually shocked at how badly written Leela was.

I get this is set in a different Time Line, but just awful.

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