Do you have any Doctor Who tattoos?

I really want one at some point but I just can’t choose anything specific from the show. Would love to see yours if you have some !

Also let me know if u have any ideas for any 13th era tatts i could get :slight_smile:


I couldn’t bear the thought of having a tattoo (fear of needles) but my friend has the Seal of Rassilon.

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You didn’t get the PM about it being mandatory for all users of Tardis Guide forum to get a tattoo? :joy:


TARDIS Team members are excluded :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Sadly no Doctor Who ones yet. Got a crappy black dragon and a cool Pacman and Ms Pacman one. Was going to get my friend do a cover up of the dragon I got but not sure how I want it designed. I was thinking a tardis, k9 coming out, scarf dangling out the door for a start. Then I was going to add daleks, cyberman, weeping angel and other favorite characters in stages to do a complete sleeve. Then life and such but if I do will post it here.

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I also have an aversion to needles, otherwise I’d probably get some Gallifreyan writing…


I don’t have an aversion to needles but I’ve never wanted to have a tattoo, if I did though it would probably be the Seal of Rassilon

See - I told everyone it was an exemption for TARDIS Team members :smiley:

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Nope, no tattoos on me!

Honestly, if I had a tattoo, I’d want it to be e-ink or something, so I could change the picture at any time…


I’ll get the new Tardis Guide logo :slight_smile:

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Difficult to do the moving parts.

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Or maybe this? :laughing:


I’d love to get a tattoo, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to just get one, and would end up looking like Toby Zed


I have a few tattoos but no Who ones as of yet. I like my fandom tattoos to be subtle, so no blue box and no weeping angels for me, thanks. Gallifreyan writing sounds like a good idea, but I’m struggling to limit the things I want to write on my new denim jacket, so god knows how I’ll be able to pick something to go on my body permanently. All in all, there are both too many and not enough options for me to tattoo.


I’ve been really thinking about getting something 13-related but haven’t come up with a great idea for what yet (and also would need to save up for a while before I could afford one)