It reminds me of Double Joke. The Mickey villain.
Omg Vito Doppioscherzo mentioned best post of the entire forum. Did not expect a Casty reference to be spotted in the wild
Huge Disney comics and HUGEEEE Casty fan reporting for duty.
You’re my best friend on this forum now.
Casty is incredible and Doublejoke is such a good character. Need everyone here to read Topolino e le regolissime del GuazzabĂą. Such a successful and imaginative commentary on the human tendency to assign worth to meaningless things and how corporations exploit that. (even if i still think the story is kinda overrated but ill stop there)
I read a lot of Disney Comics as a kid (I am Brazilian, we have our fair share over them), and I have started coming back to them recently. Been reading the Barks and Rosa collection from Fantagraphics, plus some recent publications here in Brazil too. Bruno Enna is winning me over. Oh, and I am going through PKNA.
I started studying Italian recently but it’s not enough to read Topolino yet, but I’ll get there.
I have been obsessing over Gastone e la solitudine del quadrifoglio (I TL 3405-1P) by Marco Nucci and Stefano Zanchi since I read it some months ago.
Ooooh, and I saw recently Casty came back to writing (as he SHOULD, I MISSED YOU MAN) and did another Eurasia story this year. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR AGEEEEES.
Oh I love Enna so so much. His post apocalyptic Mickey Mouse series from last year was incredible (man I have to catch up to part two of Gli Evaporati). Been reading through PKNA chronologically purely because I wanted to get to his Fragments of Autumn lol.
Definitely getting very off topic here but I’ve been reading Topolino through Google translate (and in a not so legal manner) whenever I’m too impatient for the Dutch translation , or if I’m lucky there’ll be a fan who has translated it into English.
Barks hasn’t really hit me that much lately, even if there’s enough of his i haven’t read. Been more in a Guido Martina and Rodolfo Cimino phase if we’re talking classics.
I have been thinking about going through Gottfredson’s Mickey since I have been in a mouse phase lately, but I need to find some time first.
And not to annoy people too much: if you are seeing this imagine this is like finding a Doctor Who fan in the wild out of the UK, but both harder and weirder, plus UK is Italy in this metaphor.
Solitudine del quadrifoglio is such a wonderfully melancholic tale. Nucci has been writing banger after banger and still I would consider that his best story yet. Zanchi also helps a lot with that I think. He’s improved so much from the time where he was just another Freccero copy.
I think my biggest secret as a Casty fan is that I haven’t read a single Eurasia story… I’ll read them all someday. When the series finishes in 2050 or something…
THAT’S A CRIME. Eurasia is fantastic. I want her and Minnie to meet one day, let us have a explorers girl squad pleaseeee.
Solitudine del quadrifoglio made me cry so much. It hurt me to the core when Gladstone presented himself as Donald. And that page of him walking through the rain is so so so powerful. And I can’t get that “Everybody has a destiny! If mine is to be cursed by luck… at least let it be for a reason!” bit out of my head.
And I’ve going through PKNA chronologically too. My next story is either Trauma or Urk, have to check, but I’m liking it. Not the biggest fan of Xhadoom yet but LYLA IS THE BEST. Also in love with the Raider. Never have a gay rooster meant more to me.
Nooo Xadhoom is wonderful! Edgy 90s Marvel character plopped next to Donald Duck and them developing a really compelling friendship is the peak of character interactions. But i don’t remember if that happens later on. Maybe you’re still at Xadhoom being all brooding about her planet’s genocide. I swear she gets more personality
And yeah they really just let Donald have a villainous time traveling boyfriend huh. Kinda Doctor/Master of them…
If Mickey has his weird villain thingy going on (do I mean Pete or Phantom Blot? The reader decides!) Donald deversed one too!
Plus since we are in a time travelling forum: anyone else reading this, you all need to read Tutto questo accadrĂ ieri and Tutto questo accadde domani
I would’ve said Blot if it hadn’t been for Tito Faraci’s insistence to write Pete and Mickey that way… Il fiume del tempo and Dalla parte sbagliata have no reason to be like that.
Ohh i read the second one a few months ago for the first time. Utterly insane story, just a 10/10 for how over the top it is. (First one is a banger too ofc)
The first one is simpler (not that it’s harder to be simpler than Mickey and Minnie and Goofy from the present and the past fight Pete’s authoritarian capitalist survellaince State), but just as good. It’s more of a character piece on Mickey and Minnie and it’s great.
(Our talk here should probably be moved to or something btw mods)
I’ve made a new topic for you!
Had no idea what to call it though, I can rename it if you suggest something.
Changed it to Disney comics discussion. More accurate, but you had the right spirit!
Oh wow our own Disney comics thread! I think Disney comics as a name would do nicely.
Now let’s urge people to read The Old’s Castle Secret, The Old Castle’s Other Secret and A Letter from Home too.