Did Luvic and Katura of Traken end up dying in Logopolis because

Like, the Source of Traken is a supercomputer and a lot of people would have enough of a good memory to remember them. I can’t be the only one with such a good memory, right? There must have been a lot of people who got into Luvic and Katura by watching tKoT. And not just me. Although nowadays I just think I like the name Luvic a lot. (And also I like repetitions) I’m trying to use it on like, A LOT OF OCs, like, one OC per story.

My dad, though, often says that Luvic and Katura only died because Robin and Margot did’nt want to come back to Doctor Who, and if they had’nt died, people who followed them would ask what happened to them.

Is it possible that this was originally the case, a case of real life writing the plot, and that I’ve just been too harsh and only later on, Nyssa becoming the last of her kind was more of a thematic, Enticing TV thing, than an “OMG WHERE ARE THEY” “Robin and Margot wanna be somewhere else” thing?

Yes I know that in Nuwho, even the freaking Doctor is the last of their kind, and that the only time that Robin came back was as a Luvic\Katura death reference, but maybe that’s only because this was long after it was turned into a thematic thing and that maybe, 12-14 year olds in 1981 weren’t that keen on having lasts of their kind on screen?!?

…Maybe I’m the one who wants to be somewhere else…

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I realized why I couldn’t admit to their death: part of me saw Luvic as a best friend. Now I realize he’s fictional.

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Turns out I just still have some magnetism to Luvic which will eventually go away! Me and my dad were talking about blue smurf Luvic’s!