Came up with a fun idea for a game/story starter!
Inspired by the Big Finish dartboard, you use a random name picker (e.g. ) and write down every Doctor (that you want to include, doesn’t have to be all!).
The Doctor you get will be in your story!
Then flip a coin, heads=multi-Doctor, tails=just the one.
If it’s multi-Doctor, flip again. Heads=two Doctors, tails=three.
Use the name picker to decide upon the others.
If you want companions, you can either use the Doctor’s regular companions, or throw in a random one by putting a list of companions into the name picker!
And repeat for locations, villains, story type, etc!
There’s no limits!
Hope this makes sense lol
Can’t be any worse than Once and Future, and I enjoyed Once and Future for the most part.
Something has brought the Doctor alongside his human AU self and his past, hidden self.
Mortimus here is the monk from 8’s time, now easing Cushing Doc to his alien counterparts.
Michael Sheard is a local and is 8’s Companion for the time being.
Bill Filer is… Bill Filer, he just happens to be a timeless child companion.
They are against
Doom the Hunter and Mrs Delphox, who have teamed up with Frontios gravity slugs to hunt the Doctor.
They are in

Sarn, and Micheal Sheard is going to be a poor Trion exile. Also I guess that’s how Trions learn of the slugs.
War Doctor with Nyssa on Akhaten facing the villain in bells of st John.