Crossover Wishes

Not yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but he does follow me on Twitter which is wild haha


I’d love to see the Eighth Doctor’s further adventures with Destrii. The Flood was a great story, but because it didn’t end up showing the McGann/Eccleston regeneration like originally planned (and that’s probably a good thing because otherwise we might not have gotten John Hurt’s War Doctor), it ended with them walking off into the sunset. Now, whether those further adventures are on TV, audio, comic or novel, I’m not terribly picky.


Here’s a list of various companions/arcs/ideas I’d love to see picked up in some medium or another in no particular order:

  • More Evelyn/Sixth Doctor adventures (novel or comic since the actress has passed, I’m not picky)
  • Further Eighth Doctor/Josie Day comics (and/or novels and audios too)
  • Eighth Doctor audios with Sam Jones (either original stories or novel adaptations, so that I can have a voice in my head when reading those novels)
  • The futher adventures of Eight and Destrii since that was kind of left unresolved (audio, comic, novel, I’m not too picky)
  • Any Big Finish companion getting novels or comic stories
  • The return of Frobisher in any medium

I that’s all off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.


I’d love to see Brax, Iris Wildthyme, and Benny appear on TV. Played by their main audio actors of course. The Eleven would also be fascinating although I’ve been informed the way he’s handled invokes problematic stereotypes of mental illness, so :woman_shrugging:

Chris, Roz, Fitz, and Anji are also characters I’d be fascinated to see more of.


I’d love more Evelyn in whatever medium we could get. As much as I’d like more Hex and Erimem, I think their arcs are fine as they are. (And, when they brought Hex back for a couple two-part audios, they weren’t that great of stories.) I also think that as much as I love Charley, there’s enough out there with her and they keep bringing her back for special releases that I’m getting kind of tired of it. I wouldn’t mind seeing more novel or comic companions come into the audios either. Destrii, Josie Day and Sam Jones immediately spring to mind. Maybe some Tenth Doctor audios or novels with Gabby and Cindy.


I’ve always wanted a Frobisher/Ten story. David Tennant will do literally anything they ask him to, and you can’t tell me it wouldn’t be brilliant.


I think he’s quite busy, otherwise there would be wayyyy more Tenth Doctor audios.


I whish that an old companion would make a new companion for a while. I like that they have started to reaper but it would be interesting to have Mel and Ruby in the TARDIS together for a couple of episodes.


For goodness sakes, why can’t they put Peri back on TV? They didn’t even bother to contact her for Power of the Doctor. I know Mel has a huge fanbase, so I’m not going to spoil anyone’s joy, but I wish it was Peri. I’m just a bit tired of all the Mel content now.


Maybe her agent is Janet Fielding

Why not both? The Tardis is big enough :grinning:


YES! And Brax and while we are at it bring back Leela and Romana aswell.

This is totally just because I want to see more of her in general, but I’d love to see Molly O’sullivan on TV.


if we ever got the Galligang on tv I would actually SCREAM and you would all hear it :rofl::rofl:


As much as I’d love to get Frobisher on TV, you’d really have to get a shapeshifter who can do penguin, and as far as I know everyone who fit that profile is either retired, dead, or never existed in the first place. More’s the pity.