Cosplay Parade

We’ve had a bunch of mentions of cosplay lately, and we don’t seems to have a thread for it, so I thought I’d share some of my pics!

Call me predictable, but here’s my Narvin:

(I’m going to redo the black thing before next LIWho where this was taken, because it was a rush job lol, and a friend and I are going to do Romana and Narvin for this year’s con)

and in another predictable move, my friend and I as Rachel and Allison from Remembrance/Counter-Measures

and my Iris Wildthyme from last LIWho!

I also have a couple of Sarah Janes but I don’t have any easily accessible photos rn, so I might find them later


Been working on putting together a 13 cosplay and it’s finally very nearly finished. Still saving up to get the ear cuff from Alex Monroe and there’s a couple other detail things I might try to do at some point like overdying the shirt.

It’s been a lot of fun putting this together and it’s really given me a much deeper appreciation for costume design. Definitely would recommend anyone who’s ever considered doing any kind of cosplay to do it.


You are so talented. Everything looks amazing!!!


I’ve been wanting to make a Narvin costume (or rather random CIA agent) for a while now, but am not really talented enough to make my own sewing patterns. Would you mind if I asked you to share a bit on how you created it?

@Schroedingerswhat and I are working on a Rory and Amy one, meeting up with a friends River at a con. Theoretically am also working on a Mel from dragonfire to go along with their Ace, but it turned out be quite the challenge for me. So the only thing I have for that so far is the red hair (it’s my own hair).



So I’ve seen a few CIA cosplays around, and the one thing I knew I wanted for mine was drape. None of that single layer of cotton for me! I wanted the robe to have a weight to it, so I used a jersey fabric, which means the stretch and thickness give it a very satisfying feel to walk around in.

As for a pattern, I wanted something with big sleeves and to be floor length without seeming like a sack. That’s partly why I picked the fabric I did, but I also used a vintage kaftan pattern and adapted it a tiny bit to give me the shape I wanted. And I was pleased with how that came out!

Though looking at it now I might adjust the neck a little for next time.

As for the black thing, as I say - rush job (procrastinating until the night before the con? me??). So I am going to do it again, and I’m going to actually pattern it out a bit better. However, the basic concept again was, how do I make this not look like one pathetic cotton layer flopping about? I wanted this to have some actual structure to it.

So what I did was make the top section of a shirt, then cut out eight rectangles and used some thick interfacing in the middle of everything. And that, I felt, did actually work the way I wanted it to - it gave it a stiffness in the way I wanted and looked passable for the speed at which it was done.

I’d be happy to share any of the patterns with you (once I’ve made them anyway lol) if you were to DM me :blush: hope that was insightful!


Yo, @sircarolyn that’s wicked! Didn’t know you’d cosplayed as Narvin! Job well done, honestly, it looks really good!

I’ve only ever done one cosplay, and that’s the 13th Doctor. And it was kind of cheap an on a whim, pulled together from a mirad of places because I pulled it together the week before the con I was going to. So, there’s only like one photo I have of me in it, which happens to be one with Michelle Gomez, and my best Whovian friend who is dressed as Missy.

This outfit has since found a new home with Riversofmars (Tumblr/IG/Twitter) who’s also worn it to cons.

I think if I ever cosplayed anything from Doctor Who again, it’d be my Kaldoran OC. It’d be a mix of Kaldoran clothing and robot parts. I mean, I’ve already got the head… might as well use it if I do ever feel like getting around to it :stuck_out_tongue:


The “finished” 13 Cosplay!

I love 13’s sonic, but I’ve gotta say that 12’s looks super cool with her look.


My dysphoria is high right now, but I have done some Clara cosplay. I have a lot of her outfits, and have just worn them as everyday outfits.