What is the connection linking each list?
- Nightingale, Shipton, Christian, Angelo, Garner
- Packer, Drax, Reverend Matthews, Ranulf Fitzwilliam and Panna
- An Unearthly Child, The Cambridge Spy, Remembrance of the Daleks, The Devil’s Chord
- Sharon, Vanessa, Lavinia
- Hanne, Shirley, Morris, Tyssan, the Controller, Sil and Erica
We have correct answers for everything except #2 (which is a very hard one).
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- Nightingale, Shipton, Christian, Angelo, Garner
Weeping Angel victims
- Packer, Drax, Reverend Matthews, Ranulf Fitzwilliam and Panna
Played by actors who all appeared in A for Andromeda.
- An Unearthly Child, The Cambridge Spy, Remembrance of the Daleks, The Devil’s Chord
All set in 1963
Companion’s aunts.
- Hanne, Shirley, Morris, Tyssan, the Controller, Sil and Erica
All played by actors with disabilities.