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Hacked – It was okay, but I feel like it needed more time to develop. It ended just as it was starting to get interesting, leaving me wanting more.
Doctormania – This one was a lot of fun! It really captured the dynamic between Nine and Rose, and I had a great time watching their interactions.
The Transformed – I loved the concept of future Mickey meeting Nine, and their interactions were definitely the highlight. However, the rest of the story felt a bit lacklustre and didn’t quite live up to the potential of the premise.
Started reading this yesterday, currently partway through Doctormania.
Hacked. Another short FCBD stpry, so there isn’t a lot to say. It packs a bit more of a narrative and better art than most previous FCBD stories, but I agree with Tian that it sort of ends right when it turns interesting. 6/10.
Ooh, I’ve got these ones, so I can finally join Comic Club!
I enjoyed Hacked and Doctormania quite a bit. The ideas were wild and out there which I like in comic stories. Also Braxiatel Collection mention!
The Transformed I found quite disappointing. I think it could have done a lot more with Mickey and especially Martha. Too much going on in that one for me.
I absolutely love this. Expanding on the lore of Raxacoricofallapatorius, showing us more of the Raxas Alliance, telling us where Nine learnt about the tricks Blon tries to use in Boom Town.
I also love how defensive Nine is of the Chumblies. It could so easily have been a throwaway thing, but the fact whenever they come up he makes it clear that they’re not chumblies is just super fun.
And then Slist is just a great character. I love that you get a Slitheen here who’s able to redeem herself and her family. I love that even in her trying to be better she’s still motivated by profit at first, and still puts a bomb in Rose. And I love her redemption, using her knowledge of pirate broadcasts to get the truth out there.
This is probably up there with my favourite FCBD stories!!
First and foremost, the art in this story is absolutely a standout. The likenesses are incredible, and I absolutely adore the sci-fi elements. The panel of the dead world especially is a real highlight for me, and I love the ‘power signature’ of the alien tech here.
The concept of Geohacking as well is just a really fun one, and again, the art does a great job of communicating the concept. The way it’s tied back to an old war (allowing for a panel of Sutekh and Azal), and then through that tying it into the previous Ninth Doctor comic is really fun.
If I had one critique, it’s that the story ended a bit abruptly, but when you only have six pages that’s kind of inevitable.
I’d heard about this story before, and honestly, I was expecting to like it a lot less than I do.
I mean, the story itself, I’m not really a fan, but the idea behind it is really fun. Mickey calling The Doctor for help, and ending up with Nine instead of Ten is a great pitch. Even better factoring in his knowledge of time travel stuff so he knows Jack and Rose can’t see him. Even even better when you’ve got Martha there as well, who needs to hide from even The Doctor to not cause a paradox…
But then you have the actual execution. The story itself never really explains why the energy gives people powers and then turns them into monsters, other than that San Francisco ‘has a history’ which, I think I’d prefer if it just didn’t explain it at all. The amount of characters who have powers here as well just feels unneeded, could easily have cut it down, streamlining it to just two characters instead of the four you have in here, it takes away a bit from the intended emotions when we don’t really have time with these people.
And then there’s… well, everything to do with Martha. Turning her into a gargoyle person who can’t speak is certainly one way to deal with the potential paradoxes. It’s also a way of making it so that Martha just gets sidelined with next to nothing to do for the whole story, and given that was a big part of what happened to her on screen… not great.
Overall a fun idea for a story, with a… less than stellar execution
Doctormania. Quite a fun story. The art isn’t my favourite, but it’s surprisingly expressive. Titan going for yet another meta-level narrative is getting a bit old, but the return of the Slitheen is welcome, and I liked the additions to their lore. Nine and Rose are great, Jack is OK. 7.5/10.
Nine riding a dinosaur is a surprisingly satisfying moment.
he Transformed. Yeah, this one is weird. A mix of Doctor Who and superheroes. It’s a mess of ideas and action without a lot of rhyme or reason. The superpowered people are annoying and forgettable. Cool to see a future Mickey reunite with Nine and having to avoid bumping into Rose. The art style is fine, but the faces are a bit off. And the way they incoporate Martha without spoiling her for teh Doctor is… stupid.6/10.