Comic Club: D10Y1.1 - Revolutions of Terror

World Premiere for the TARDIS Guides Comic Club!!!

In this first Club, we will discuss two stories collected in Titan Comics Tenth Doctor’s first book. The stories are:

Please discuss below - no need to finish it first, discuss as you go along but please add spoiler tags for anything that could be considered a spoiler!

If you’ve previously read the book and want to join in the discussion, that’s great too!

Participating in the Comic Club will earn you a badge :medal_sports:

Revolutions of Terror

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The Arts in Space

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As this is Comics there are crazy amount of different covers!


First Issue

Second Issue

Third Issue

Forth Issue

Fifth Issue

@shauny will have a hard time adding all these to the collectibles pages :wink:


Let’s go!

Have you guys started yet? I read the first stories last night and liked it.


I’m literally loading ym ipad up with these first 2 arcs now. gonna have a morning read.


Revolutions in Terror.
What a great start to the Tenth Doctor series. The plot was relativvly simple but imaginative. The ideas explored is something that could fit easily into the show. It didn’t feel out of place within established Doctor Who lore, with a quick setup, decent pace and satisfying resolution. The characters felt right. The Tenth Doctor seemed to fit with what we know and Gabriella ‘Gabby’ Gonzalez seem like she could work well as a companion. The art was solid, even if sometimes Tenth looked a little off model where usually he looked like Tennent. Quick and worthy addition to the lore of Ten. 4/5


I got these in a Humble Bundle a long time ago, and I did read them, but I’m going to have another read!


Wow, that was a great summary. I completely agree with all your points. My main problem was as you wrote that the doctor sometimes looks wrong.

I also gave it 4/5


Looking forward to hearing what you think about them!


“When the TARDIS “blasts off”, it makes a noise like and elephant and a piano bringing sexy back.”


That is a quote for the site :joy:


Yeah it is. Such a colourful description.


The Arts in Space.
While not as good as the first part, Revolutions in Terror, this arc was imaginative. The plot is simple with, again, a quick set up and resolution. If this story was in live action it would need to be expanded a lot, but for a comic it uses the medium to its advantage. Some of the lines from the ‘diary’ section was genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. The art was good and the contrast between the two styles worked well. My only real issue was that the ‘hand written’ narration was sometimes hard to read. Overall a solid quick read. 3/5


I’d honestly like to hear an audio adaptation of this series if these two stories are anything to go by.


I read both of them a couple days back and really enjoyed both. All the drawn covers are genuinely incredible but especially those first ones for the second issue (also really like the ‘Create’ cover for issue 5).

Revolutions of Terror. 8/10
Relatively simple, but thoroughly enjoyable, will say I wasn’t 100% convinced on a modern day american companion at first, but Gabby ends up being great and completely disuaded any fears I might have. One thing that I really appreciate about the RTD era is how human companions feel, and how you get a peek into their home life, and that’s done here really well. Her conflict with her family is there and is a big part of things, but you can still tell how much she loves them and I love how the resolution to that ended up tying into the plot’s general resolution.
Also having an artist as a companion for a comic is a really fun idea, and while they get more into it in The Arts in Space, I do love when they do here as well.

The Arts in Space 8/0
Fully admit this one is biased by my own gender-fuckery I’ve got going on. I like the setting, the diary sections are brilliant, I love the insight it gives into Gabby as an artist, in terms of her art, her self image/insecurities, etc. It also expands on the relationship between her and Cindy which I like. I know about future things that at least one of them is gay for the other, can’t remember which, but this is definitely either showing that Gabby is or why Cindy would be, and I like that. I also really enjoyed the apprentice and Zhe’s gender fuckery, one being both, one being very fluid, which as a queer person with a lot of gender fuckery going on, was really nice to see.


I just read through both comics. I was listening to ELO’s “Time” in the background, too, and when we got to the climactic bit of the first story with everyone singing, it hit “The Way Life’s Meant To Be”, which was absolutely appropriate.

Overall, really liked the first story. Gabby was an interesting character, and good as a companion, and I enjoyed the background about the psychosphere and such.

I was having a bit of trouble with where the first story ended and the second one began. In the cbz file I was reading it on (I downloaded all my Doctor Who comics from several humble bundles I bought into one folder a while ago, when the topic of the comics first came up), I was expecting a title page for the next one and never saw it.

Just meant that I was a little off kilter at the start of that one. Also found it a little more confusing, though I did like it overall. Part of that was that while I like the gimmick of the handwritten notes, they weren’t the easiest to read with my eyesight.

Did like it, though. I just think I’ll enjoy it more on a second read, probably zoomed in more. :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually did really like when Gabby goes from being chased to being taught about art because of her own interest and artistic talents

All in all, interested in reading more!


I’ve got these queued up to read - I subscribed to the rather odd Doctor Who Comic (which just sort of disappeared) so have these stories spread over the first four issues of that. (I might also have the digital Humble Bundle, I’ll have to check what was in the one I purchased).


It was definitely in the “Humble Comics Bundle: Doctor Who 2018 by Titan” bundle, possibly others.

Assuming you got the entire bundle, anyways. Not sure what tier it was on.


It would seem whatever bundle(s) I got only include 10th Doctor stuff from Volume 3-6. Never mind though, as I say, I have the DWC version.


The Comics and Audiobook bundle? I ended up picking up both of those, as well as the RPG bundles, and some other audiobook ones.

Ah well, at least you do have the DWC version.


There have been a few bundles over the last few years and I definitely skipped one because it had a lot of duplicates of things I’d got in a previous bundle.


Yeah, it’s always a pain trying to figure out if a bundle that has things you already got has enough unique things to get it anyways…