Comic Chat (DW+More)

I read it when it came out and liked it.

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Seeing as it’s been a while since this era started, I thought I’d share my spoiler-free thoughts on all the new From the Ashes series. (Except Storm, Magik, and Psylocke, which I’ve not read yet.)

  • X-Men: The flagship series for From the Ashes, this is a very mixed bag. Sometimes we get rather good stories, other times we get issues that just aren’t interesting with plots that are forgotten as soon as you close the comic. My main issue with this series is Jonathan Hickman setting up all these interesting plot threads only to forget about them. Thankfully, the characters are great, so overall, X-Men is slightly disappointing, but does have some standout features which make this series worth it.

  • X-Force: Now this is good! While it took me a little while to get into the series, X-Force knows how to tell a good story. While I knew little about the characters beforehand, I’m now really invested in them all. Each shocking twist hits, and it hits hard. I still haven’t gotten over #5.

  • Phoenix: This might not be for everyone, but Phoenix is another series I’m really enjoying. It’s an epic space saga, with stunning imagery, intriguing plots, and well-written characters.

  • NYX: When it’s good, it’s good. When it’s bad, it can be painful. I don’t entirely agree with the way Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing write some of the characters, and they do seem to have a problem with not giving the reader enough background information on some of the characters. I struggle a lot with the character of Prodigy. He is someone I haven’t come across before, but I am expected to know everything about him. Overall, a series I am very much on the fence with.

  • Uncanny X-Men: Oh, this is good. So, so good. Gail Simone writes really well, I adore all the characters, the stories leave you unable to wait for the next issue… It’s just fantastic.

  • X-Factor: This is a bit of a guilty pleasure. It’s… not the best comic, but it’s just fun. My gripe with this is when it tries to be serious. It just doesn’t work. I feel this series would be a lot better if it just leaned right into the comedy aspects.

  • Avengers: Now, this isn’t primarily a From the Ashes comic, but I treat it as one. Avengers is what I want X-Men to be. Some lovely character-focused issues, contrasting with epic battles, just makes for a solid comic.

  • Exceptional X-Men: This one is a touch slow, but it is good. The new characters are really interesting, the drama is so fun to read, and the dialogue is super.

  • Wolverine: Unexpectedly good. It’s taking a while to get going, but it’s an exciting read. I love Wolverine in this.

  • Dazzler: Just a bit of fun. As an ongoing, I’m not sure this would work, which is why I’m glad it was a miniseries. I’m not missing it, but I am excited for her return!

  • Mystique: Intense, mysterious, exciting, Mystique is an amazing miniseries.

  • Sentinels: I did not expect this miniseries to be this good. It’s definitely grim and gory, the characters are so fascinating, and the way it ties into Mystique was amazing! I’m excited for the next issue, but I’ll also be sad to see this story conclude.

  • Laura Kinney - Wolverine: We’re too early on in tha series for me to know for certain what I think of it, but it’s shaping up to be a good one. Laura is written much better here than in NYX.

Overall thoughts on From the Ashes: This era has some misses, but mostly hits. I’m loving it!


I’m SO glad that they’re back to calling Laura Wolverine. I hated when they randomly had her call herself X-23 again after she went through such a major character arc in All New Wolverine about not wanting that to define her.

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I haven’t been liking most of the solos/minis and I think we got way too many comics for a relaunch, kinda wish it was only the three main titles + NYX… But overall agree.

My real problem lies with X-Force and X-Factor. I don’t think X-Force have been good since the Uncanny X-Force days and X-Factor is a farce that ruins the characters a little bit for me. It’s trying to be X-Force/Statix by Peter Milligan, but I don’t think the premise works at all with established characters.

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Just read all the available issues of Psylocke, so here is what I think of tha series:

It’s a good comic. Not a favourite, but one I like reading. Psylocke is a character I know hardly anything about, but she seems cool. The plotbis exciting, plus I love the tie-ins to the main X-Men comic.

@NobodyNo-One Yellow arc is my fave from the manga! It’s not as well executed as some of the later stuff but I adore Yellow as a character, I love the early days messiness, I love Mato’s artstyle and I think the villains are awesome. It’s just a cosy thing to revisit.

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I was gonna go through each arc but then I would hijack the topic there :laughing:

I really like RGB as I said, I specially like the anthological aspect of it and how many different short stories you’ll find the characters going through.

But Yellow is epic. It’s 100% when I fell in love with the manga. And there is no way one will read Yellow and dislike the titular character. It’s also a very different take to the usual Pokemon dynamic that was explored in RGB and set a lot of precedents to how the manga was gonna handle its characters that I find very interesting. There is no breeder Gold or catcher Crystal or contester Ruby without Yellow.

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Been reading Wonder Woman for some years, started from Pérez and worked up until current day releases. Still have some post-crisis comics to read (haven’t read Busiek’s Trinity yet, nor 90/00’s JLA nor JLI; and there is also Nubia’s minis for me to read), but I read most of her relevant appareances so been thinking about working through her pre-crisis stories.

I actually did start the mod era some months ago; it is as bad as it seems.

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Finally dipping into some comics for once, I’m re-reading some 13 ones (since there’s not many, I may as well go through them all!). I’m not sure I ever read them all, as some aren’t ringing any bells but its nice to tick them off on the site :blush:


Speaking of 13’s comics, I’ve been meaning to get The Whit Dragon.

Might pick up a copy this week.


Any opinions on the Scott Gray ones? He is my favorite Doctor Who writer but haven’t got to his 13 comics yet


Ah I’m going through titan ones! I’ve never really dived into any other ranges and even with titan I’ve barely scratched the surface.


I really want to read these but it is impossible to find the Mistress of Chaos GN.


The Jac Rayner DWM ones unfortunately aren’t good (which is weird for me since she wrote a great 12 comic), but Gray’s seen like his usual fanfare and like I said… my favorite writer. So hopefully they’re good


Empire of the Wolf… certainly an interesting idea… felt very dartboard approach though, with 8’s inclusion. Would’ve had more emotional impact perhaps had it been 9?

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For some reason it was marketed as being a 8th doctor anniversary comic at the time


Gosh, Empire of the wolf is so bad, I wrote a thousand words (embarrassingly im not even exaggerating) of going over how badly it’s plotted. But also, it’s Rose meeting Eight and Eleven and that’s awesome so I also love it to bits. Very conflicted feelings about it lol.


Woah the artwork in the Ncuti comic is incredible, far better than any I’ve seen so far from titan. I’ve noticed (maybe cause I saw a big uproar about it on twitter a while back) but so many titan artworks are traced from promo pics of the Doctor or companions?


I’ve seen criticism of the 15 comics looking ugly, but I really loved the style, it’s very different to what we’ve had before from TITAN.


I found they didn’t quite capture Ruby but otherwise think they look great