I’ve made a google sheet listing all of the clubs with links to every post in each club!
Will try to keep this updated as more posts keep getting made!
I’ve made a google sheet listing all of the clubs with links to every post in each club!
Will try to keep this updated as more posts keep getting made!
Wow! That’s a great idea! I’ll bookmark this so it’s easier to find if needed
Added the latest few clubs so it’s now up to date
The date for Phantasmagoria is wrong, it should be Febuary 16, NOT February 26. Just happened to notice those two were in the wrong order on the sheet.
Gah, minor typos, the bane of my existence
Cheers for pointing it out!
Wow, have we really been doing this since February? It both feels like yesterday and feels impossible to imagine not being in this place
Apparently so!!!
Just wanted to say thanks for this as I wasn’t sure which comic came next after Weapons of Past Destruction.
(I’m a little behind though, need to update at some point
There’s also my schedule threads for that too.
No offence meant
No Problem. Just pointing out that it’s another option.
I briefly considered a similar thing to this when working on the club schedules I put together.
Added things in so this is back up to date
I’ve also added numbers to the audio club and the comic club
I’ve added stories through the end of December (though will obviously need to add forum links when the posts are made
Is the link to this sheet pinned anywhere more prominent please?
Would need a mod to do that which I’m not
It is now pined in General / off topic
Awesome - thank you!