At some point the 30 minute version will be on the site as a variation alongside the other telesnap reconstructions.
And to be fair, the Loose Cannon reconstruction for Marco Polo aren’t that hard to get hold of.
Another question:
When I get to stories with animated missing episodes, but I watch the existing episodes with them, what do I mark as complete?
I found all the LCs on Dailymotion, on I think an account run by LC if I’m not mistaken.
Both, I’d say. Honestly, the rules for what you mark as complete are yours to decide.
Yes, this is what I was referring to they are freely avilable there, and that’s where I’ve been watching them.
I think that’s up to what you feel is right. If I watch a story with only a few episodes animated and the rest existing, I tend to mark the original story as completed. I only mark the animated version as completed if I watch the entire serial in animated form.
I mark both, personally I always mark the story itself when I’ve watched any surviving episodes or, when nothing exists, a telesnap reconstruction, and I mark the animation when I’ve watched all parts of that
I kind of take it to be the one that is just the story title is the story in general, in whatever form you watch it to complete. But an animated version refers to that specific version of it. I marked both, and rated them the same, since my ratings aren’t really determined by what form the story is in, it’s the same story.
I’d mark them both complete. You can’t ‘complete’ the episodes that don’t exist but you’ll be listening to the original soundtrack while watching the animation. But as TARDIS32 says - you get to make your own rules.
I’ve started the Marco Polo edit.
This is actually quite fun!
I’ve finished it, and I actually enjoyed it quite a lot!
It is great. It is such a shame this beautiful story doesn’t exist.
When I did my big watchthrough several years back, I would watch what existed and listen to the missing episodes on audio. At that point there were a lot fewer animations. So I’d listen to Episode 1 of Daleks Master Plan, pull out the Lost in Time DVD and watch Episode 2, listen to Episodes 3 & 4, watch 5, listen to 6-9, watch 10, and then listen to 11 and 12 and the Massacre, then watch The Ark.
With recons I think it helps to think of it more like it’s an audio drama with illustrations rather than an episode of television but the pictures don’t move. One feels like something with a bonus, the other feels like something that is missing half of it.