Hello all, I thought that since I was currently engaged in another marathon of Doctor Who I would create a thread covering it. I’ve marathoned several times before and this time, for the first time, am covering it over on YouTube.
Some of you may already be over there and following along but if not then it’d be great to have you along for the ride! I’ll start putting the videos here too going forward and am just finishing up on Season 12.
For those who want to catch up the Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee eras all the videos are on one handy playlist by clicking this link.
Like I say, be great to have you along for the journey.
Been watching it since the first few episodes. Well worth watching. I will admit though that I haven’t watched since about halfway through the Pertwee era, even though it is my favourite era.
Thanks very much, it’s not going anywhere so it’ll be waiting for you if you wanted to get back to it!
The episodes are still in my subscription feed, so they always remind me I should get back to the marathon.
I’m up to Dalek Invasion of Earth and think they’re great.
Seal is broken on Season 13. Various factors have been getting in the way of me keeping up the pace, so the Hinchcliffe Era so far is taking a little longer than usual.
I’m finding it quite interesting to be honest, the first part of the Pyramids video is basically me laying out my observations on people’s approaches to disagreeing with me throughout the marathon. On the whole it’s always constructive and civilised but with the early Tom years, there’s way more emotion in people responding to me.
And I’m not even saying I think it’s weak, just that I don’t see it as actually being all that worthy of being considered BEST EVER.
Anyway, I’m still having a great time and hopefully from next week I can get back into a semblance of a routine with posting these.
I don’t ever look at the comments below Youtube videos but I’m now intrigued as to what people have been saying under yours. Doctor Who fans - who’d have 'em.
They’re mostly fine. There’s always the occasional troll because it’s YouTube. And I’m not really suggesting it’s got worse now I’ve hit the Hinchcliffe era but where previously most disagreements were constructive and critical, I’ve just observed that many during this widely-perceived Golden Era are more emotional.
“You have to understand how it was at the time,” kind of thing when that’s not been the case as much with previous eras.
It’s quite interesting.
I’d get a concrete bunker ready for when you reach Talons then… 
Ah, I actually do think Talons is great and if the whole era was as strong as Genesis, Seeds of Doom and the run of Deadly Assasin-Talons then I think I’d be fully on board with it being the best era of the show.
As it is, there’s too many other drag factors which stifle it for me. Season 14 and those 2 earlier stories really do a lot of the heavy lifting.
So it’s really just A N Other era of the show in my view and not THE BEST IT EVER WAS.
It was more in terms of the ‘how it was at the time’ comments re: Talons’ racism.
Ah I see - yeah that’s come up a few times already, mainly with Cho-Je in Planet of the Spiders.
Very amusing to have people argue that as he was a Time Lord and not human it doesn’t count.