Who’s Tim, is that the God-Child from The Spacehip Graveyard? /j
Yes and he’s on my side so don’t mess with us or we’ll decide your destiny.
Oh, it’s Tim again, from the Tim Trilogy!
Night of the Kraken - Page 28
Last choice: You think he should remain silent and continue to observe the man
The Doctor spots alien tech on the table, Sontaran, Terileptil, and Zygon in origin, far beyond 18th-century Cornwall. The caped man is focused on repairing or assembling it.
- If you think the Doctor should leave now, while the man is distracted
- If you think he should challenge the man
This is twelve we’re talking about here.
I feel like doing something new.
I don’t think 12 would challenge him. But I really want to see how screwdriver fight against a sword…
He’s got his trusted spoon
Well, we learned a bit more about him! Now’s a great time to challenge him!
Can the round part of the spoon be used as helmet?um…Maybe not big enough.
Oh it can be put inside the shirt. And when the rider attack one of doctor’s heart.It prevents hurt.Good spoon.
The Doctor can do anything with a spoon
Reminder that we have a section of the site that tracks all stories featuring spoons
What did we ever do before TARDIS Guide?
I honestly don’t know.
We can’t leave now!
Something interesting’s happening here!
Before? What do you mean by “before”? There is a time “before” TARDIS Guide???
It was known as the Dark Times and we do not speak of it lest we wake the beasts that sleep there.
DOCTOR: That’s impossible. No life could have existed back then.
THE BEAST: Is that your religion?
Time for @handles
1 - challenge
2 - go away