Can my GF watch the 2024 Christmas special?

Hey everyone!

Its been a bit since I’ve been able to be on here. I got a girlfriend a little over a month ago - so I’ve been busy spending time with her :slight_smile:

I absolutely love Doctor Who, like all of you. My girlfriend has only ever seen the 9th doctor, so we decided to do a full watch through of the new series. We just finished Aliens of London a few days ago.

This Christmas, I’ll be spending time with her family and mine. When we’re with my family, the new Christmas special will drop (I’m in the US, so we’ll watch on Disney+).

Right now I’m just wondering if she should see it? I’m not sure how much this will connect into previous plots or set up new ones. I just don’t want her to be spoiled, or super confused.

Typically, the Christmas specials aren’t super tied into current plots. But then there’s something like the Husbands of River Song, which I wouldn’t want her to see because she hasn’t even met River yet.

I’ve been largely avoiding clips and things for Joy to the World, so I’m just unsure of the direction it may be headed in.

I’d appreciate your thoughts :slight_smile:


I don’t think I’ve seen anything that makes me think there’ll be massive spoilers. I suspect it’s pretty much a one-shot. But it’s definitely a risk–it depends how worried you are/how worried she is about being spoiled.


I say go for it, assuming of course that your girlfriend would like to see it. It does seem that the episode will be pretty much standalone. There might be some hints for the next series but, if there are, then your girlfriend will be in the same position as every other viewer. None of us know for sure what’s coming up next.

She does know the Doctor changes doesn’t she? She won’t be expecting Christopher Eccleston in the special?


It’s written by Moffat and has a slight connection to his previous story Boom but I doubt any knowledge there will be required.

Seeing as this isn’t going to be a regeneration, and there’s no cameo from an old companion like Husbands, I really think it will be fine to dive right in!

But of course I could be wrong and maybe there will be a huge Mrs Flood reveal?! :scream:


She does know the doctor changes. Sounds so far that this is going to be a one-off. Thanks everyone for your input :slight_smile:


I except a Mrs. Flood reveal in the season 2 finale :joy: they’ll push it as far as possible


Well, no one here has seen it so we don’t know what happens in it :sweat_smile:

That being said, most Christmas specials tend to be pretty standaolne, and this one shouldn’t introduce a new Doctor or companion, but it could of course reference stuff from Season 1.

I don’t think there’s any harm in watching it with her! If anything, it might pique her interest of things to come in her future (she’s watching the past, she lives in the present and she get glimpses of the future - her life is timey wimey!)


Maybe double check with her whether or not she prefers to watch the episodes in order? If she is okay with watching them out of order though, like others have said, I get the impression too that it should be alright to watch it without needing more context and it probably won’t have major spoilers.

Unless you agree with this theory :

Source - on Bluesky

In which case, first have her watch ‘The Mark of The Rani’ and ‘Invasion of the Dinosaurs’ before ‘Joy to the World’, and afterwards watch ‘Deep Breath’. (lol Probably don’t actually)


I just read the DWM special about the Christmas Special and they actually asked Moffat if someone who hasn’t been following the show, and may have had a few glasses of wine with their Christmas dinner, would understand it.

I don’t like to share screenshots or quote directly from it, but let’s just say Moffat hints that all the plot is contained and can be understood by anyone who listens well enough!


RTD has said in the past about making the Christmas specials accessible to all and not too complicated because of the day they are being watched. People who don’t usually watch the show are likely to be sat in front of the telly so you want something that isn’t going to fuel dislike of the show if you can at all help it.

I’m expecting big, brash, funny and colourful with a plot which isn’t too hard to get a grip on.


And I hope things go from strength to strength with your girlfriend. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah agree with the overall sentiment, if she is okay with watching stuff out of order, this one will just work fine. Seems at best we will get some references to EoD’s Ending, beside that can’t see much being referenced or mentioned.

Going off the Trailer so far this one feels a Mysterio/Wardrobe/Christmas Carol Case, where it’s a pretty standalone Story

Either way hope she will enjoy it, if she watches it or gets later to it!