British Airways Safety Video features Ncuti Gatwa

I’m on a flight now and just wanted to show people who may not know that Ncuti Gatwa features a couple of times in the British Airways Safety video. Iconic :star_struck:


That’s an unusually fun version of an air safety video. They’re usually a bit naff. And seeing Ncuti in several new flashy suits makes it even better :smile:

Another one of these I’ve always loved is the one that (I think) was made by the New Zeeland airway company a few years ago, whih drew inspiration from Middle-earth and used actors from the Lord of the Rings films.


Now you are talking! This really is my childhood/early teens in a short clip.

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Yeah. Never got past the end of season 8, but I was watching Red Dwarf along with Doctor Who for quite a while…

(And, yes, that does mean that in my mind, the scene with the Grim Reaper was the end of the show.)


I prefer 1-6 myself, but I have seen all of it and have it DVD/Blu-ray.


Oh, 1-6 sounds about right for what I’d prefer, just haven’t actually seen anything after 9.

Probably have them in video tapes recorded off the air as broadcast by PBS someplace…

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UK Gold on a Friday would show an entire season of the show. I had them recorded and would go to sleep with them playing. I got the DVDs when they came out and did the same but with the commentary track. Red Dwarf was my big fandom before Doctor Who and Star Wars.

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It was pretty much my fandom at the same time as Doctor Who, since I was watching them on the same channel, the same night of the week.

You can imagine how excited I was when I found out that not only was Danny John-Jules going to be in town, he was actually going to be signing autographs someplace I had a part time job at the time…

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