So I finished it.
Quite a jolly adventure, this one, and a nit childish almost. Maybe to a fault.
Rose, Jackie and Mickey are very well-written, so it’s a shame we barely get anything with the latter two.
Ten feels a bit too clownish here, but Rayner gets some of his mannerisms right. This is a better novel debut than The Clockwise Man was for Nine.
The Roman setting is well-done, and the exploration of its people and customs is, so it’s a shame that the focus shifts to more sci-fi stuff in the second half. I half expected this one to be a pure historical!
The Colosseum scene is a highlight!
Vanessa is a good supporting character if somewhat underbaked. The others are good as well.
GENIE is a “mad computer” with a quirky personality and it’s not evil, but only fulfilling its basic function. I loved it, even if its quirks turned out very quickly. And the discussion of the role and responsibilities of AI still feels very relevant.
The second half went perhaps a bit too eager on the timey-wimeyness and paradoxes, so it felt a bit heavy.
Anyway, this was good fun! Nothing extraordinary but definitely fun. So I’ll give it a 7/10.
A couple of additional things I noted:
Is this the first time we find out that Rose has a middle name? I didn’t know she was named Rose Marion Tyler!
Finally another reference to Finland! I was so delighted to see the Moomins mentioned, and the Doctor’s suggestion that they’ve tried to invade Earth (or at least Finland) at some point.