Book Club: The Stealers of Dreams

Time for another book! We are going to read together The Stealers of Dreams

Please discuss below - no need to finish it first, discuss as you go along but please add spoiler tags for anything that could be considered a spoiler!

If you’ve previously read the book and want to join in the discussion, that’s great too!

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I read this a couple of weeks ago. I liked it. The concept is fun, interesting, and a great adventure for the ninth doctor.

I think that the concept of a world without fiction is fascinating and feel like they do a great job of exploring different aspects of it. It is also fun that stuff that is not lies but sounds incredible is thought of as fiction. I like the characters that get introduced in this book and they all bring something interesting to the table. I rate it 4/5

I would rank the Ninth Doctor books like this:

  1. Only Human
  2. Winner Takes All
  3. The Stealers of Dreams
  4. Monster Inside
  5. The Clockwise Man
  6. The Deviant Strain

Just starting it today, so i’m only a couple of chapters in, and enjoying it so far! I hope it’s not necessary to have read the previous books to understand fully with this one like in the EDAs though, but seems safe so far.


I think the NSAs are much more standalone. There might be one here and there that brings back a monster or such, but it’s not like the EDAs or VNAs that were one long arc (to varying degrees of success).


This one is completely stand-alone.


I don’t remember much but I do remember enjoying this one.


I started reading this yesterday. Glad to see another novel with this TARDIS team. The premise also seems intriguing, so I look forward to finding out where this one ends up.


I found Stealers of Dreams to be an enjoyable enough novel, although I found the resolutions to a few of the puzzles a trifle predictable. However, I did think that the world building was fairly interesting, as well as the local characters.


Probably finishing this one today. I’ve found it perfectly enjoyable, but not as exciting or engaging as Only Human. The false utopia aspect of it is the most interesting part and the characters are all well-written. But I want to see how it sticks the landing.


I liked the world-building in this novel. An interesting setting and dystopia to explore and some nice little twists. I love that there’s not really a villain? Just part of the environment and no big evil scheme, I love that

It’s been nice having some extra adventures of this TARDIS trio at least.


Once again this was just an easy enjoyable read. I am finding the style & length of the NSA’s much more accessible than the VNA’s (so far anyway) and have been getting through them in only 2-3 days each.

There were a few twists I didn’t see coming (as well as one or two that I did, but I think we were meant to e.g. Rose imagining the Doctor was with her in the Taxi)

Such a shame there are no more novels with 9, Rose & Jack though.


I am the same. I feel like the VNA is trying too hard to be heavy and edgy sci-fi when the show is more lighthearted. Therefore I think that the NSA fits much better into the show.


You have to remember that the VNAs came out at a time when there was no show so the people writing it wanted it to ‘grow up’ with them. They didn’t want novels which reminded them they were fans of a family show - they needed to be ‘adult’. It took them a while before the authors stopped trying so hard (although a few never did get the memo).


I think that it is an interesting time capsule of that time but I do hope that they will start to learn soon.


Finished this one today.
It was fine with good decent world-building, but the focus on the world-building kind of made the plot a bit secondary - a bit like 73 Yards and the “vibes based atmospheric approach”.
The ending was also too rushed for my taste.

Character wise it felt like the Captain Jack we saw on screen in series 1, the Doctor was also well written. It didn’t quite feel like Rose though, especially during the fight at the end.

Rating: 3,5/5 :star: :slightly_smiling_face: