Book Club: Sting of the Zygons

Time for another book! We are going to read together Sting of the Zygons

Please discuss below - no need to finish it first, discuss as you go along but please add spoiler tags!

If you’ve previously read the book and want to join in the discussion, that’s great too!

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This was not my favourite of the series. I got kind of bored to be honest. I also felt that the characters were a bit off.

I liked that they used a classic villain and not a new one. That feels unusual for this series.


I’ve read the book a few years ago and I remember liking it. I’ve never seen Terror of the Zygons so it was interesting to compare the Zygons to what we’ve seen in the modern era.


This is a good one.


Great review!


I’m currently reading this, and it’s surprisingly good!

It’s much better than Stephen Coles’s last… attempt at an NSA.


Not sure which one you’re referring to, but if it’s Feast of the Drowned I’ve got some strong feelings about the crazy shit that happened to Mickey in that book.


First Martha book!!! One of my favorite things about the NSAs is that Martha really gets a chance to shine in these. She’s in way more of them than any other tenth Doctor companion. Unfortunately, since she’s in the most, the quality of her books also varies WILDLY. That’s a topic for another day though. I’ve been on a quest to read all 30 tenth doctor NSAs and I’ve been at it for a bit, so I’m having to reach back and dig through my notes on this one.

I thought it was cute and fun, but nothing particularly special. I’m always a sucker for the Doctor and Martha just getting to hang around and banter with each other though, and there are a few nice moments with them in this both individually and together. Some of my favorite things: learning that every horse is “Arthur” and every cow is “Daisy” in the Doctor’s mind. It was fun to see Martha do some deducting while the Doctor walked around a field talking to cows. Very on brand for both of them. I also liked Martha telling someone she’s training to be a doctor, then having the Doctor say something nuts and the person going "are you sure you’re not his nurse?” Nothing super standout, but a relatively short and fun read, especially if you’re a ten and Martha duo fan. I gave it a 7/10.

I can’t wait to talk about the rest of the Martha stories!


I’m listening to this today! I’ll report back with my initial thoughts.


I’m talking about The Art of Destruction


Oh yeah I’ve got beef with that book as well. I really struggled to finish it and tbh I jumped over to a Martha book and told myself I’d get back to it eventually (it’s been several months).


The book was certainly a thing that happened.


Five chapters in so far and not much has happened. The setting works, the Doctor feels recognisable, and Martha is boring.


I’m really enjoying Martha here!


I agree it’s slow for the majority of the book but, from what I remember (it’s been a bit), I enjoyed Martha in this! It’s not my favorite book of hers, but I still liked her in it.


Well, it’s still early days, so maybe I feel better about her later on.

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I actually forgot to mention that I finished the book two days ago and ended up really liking it!

Both Martha and Ten are written well, the setting is great and the Zygons are used better than in their 21st-century TV appearances. Really enjoyed the supporting characters as well. The beginning is a bit slow but once it gets going, it never really stops.

:memo: 8/10


Looks like we came away with similar opinions for once!