Book Club for Audio?

Hey guys. I was wondering if we wanted to start Book Club-like discussions for audio stories? Each audio story would get a separate thread and then people can the various audio stories similar to how they discuss the various books.


Absolutely, I was also thinking this, but wondering what series to listen to?

Personally I’m on an Eighth Doctor binge but am right in the middle.

I’d be happy to do Main Range from the beginning as never heard those.

Alternatively we could do all new stuff, but I know some people like to wait for deals & discounts.

What do you think?


I was thinking we could start with the Main Range. But also, as each story or boxset would get it’s own thread, we could really jump around with this. Maybe do a new one each week since it takes less time to get through an audio than a novel. And because each story is separate thread, it would be really easy for people to jump in and out over time as they listen to different things. My other thought was to do everything in release order.


Sounds like a good plan.

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I like the idea of release order, but that can be… A lot…

As long as it’s enough of an order that things still make sense in the story, so characters are introduced before they are companions etc


I think the only companion who had a story where they were already a companion released before their introductory story was Constance Clark and that was because they released the Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure a month early. Usually the confusion comese when they stick stories into the middle of the timeline long after the release of the departure story.

Main range from the beginning sounds like a good idea! The first 50 are all up for free on Spotify. I’ve listened to them all a few years back and haven’t relistened to most of them since, it’d be fun to listen and discuss them


If we are doing Main Range I’d definitely want to listen in order, I’m a stickler for things like that.

I’m definitely up for this and very excited.

Just currently wondering where I’m going to get the free time to read all these books AND listen to the audios at the same time haha.

But hopefully as long as it is organised we can always duck in and out if someone skips one or if they get behind.

Woohoo! When shall we start?


Oh and to keep it from being confused with the other book club let’s call this Audio Club?


+1 for main range

at this rate i’m gonna have to drop out of college to watch/listen/read Doctor Who full time


Worth it tbh (joking!)

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Going through the main range sounds like a great way to start


I can’t just sit in a chair and listen, my mind wanders. So I tend to listen while doing things: cleaning, dishes, walking, driving, etc.

As for when do we start and how often, I’d say do one a week, since each Main Range release is approximately 2 hours. And maybe start a new thread every Monday? Does that sound like a viable plan? And someone will want to create an Audio Club category at some point for this.


Yes, sounds good! I’ll get to it…


When does the new audio club thread for Phantasmagoria drop? I think every Monday had been suggested in this thread, but The Sirens of Audio thread dropped on a Friday. I’m not in any hurry, just curious.

I’ll make them Fridays, as then people have the weekend to discuss! Doing it now!


What about new releases? Can we start threads for them in the Audio section?


Absolutely. Please do if there’s a release you want to discuss - but be aware of spoilers of course.

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