I would like to give writing reviews a go, so I thought I would make a topic where I can link to the reviews when they are ready to go.
I have never written a review before, so it might take a couple before I find my feet.
Give them a read if you feel like it, and feel free to comment here if you have suggestions on how I can become better - or if you need to vent at me for releasing my “wrong” opinions for the world to see
I like the format you’re using, it reads well to me! And I also fully agree with what you said - yes, the cavemen don’t stand up to An Unearthly Child, but really not a lot could, and it’s not as terrible as some claim
Nice review!
A great review - don’t be so modest
I still disagree with almost everyone about the caveman stuff. It’s definitely more than grunts and parts of their dialogue are almost poetic.
I was just watching @ChrisStokes video review of the first story and he highlights a crucial scene - the one where the Doctor solves the murder of the Old Woman by drawing the attention to the knives carried by Za and Kal. Kal’s response of ‘it is a bad knife’ and the way Jeremy Young delivers it really shows how these episodes need wider recognition.
I agree with the others - this was a great review, short and sweet but you got the point across
Thank you so much for your kind words folks
Next mission report ready to be filed.
A story that means a great deal to me.
That was a beautiful review, thank you for sharing it!
Great review - I too loved The Power of the Doctor. I’m so glad the BBC asked Chibnall to do a BBC centenary episode.
I love the way stories sometimes just gets intertwined with your life, stories becomes more than the sum of their parts.
Sooo true, sometimes stories just hit. And Power was wonderful - it was a perfect celebration of everything DW is.
I am getting more and more interested and scared by this book.
Luckily this book isn’t too far away in our Book Club, I’m excited to read your review after I’ve read it!
Yup just about 5 and a half month away
I had to get my thoughts about it down now so I don’t have to read this book again
I’ll link to it then if I remember to do it
It’s been a while since I logged a Mission Report, so here goes.
In defence of:
Its on my laptop and ready to be watched next week. Kinda curious after some of the descriptions that have been given in the past few days.
That’s why I decided to give it a second chance
It’s been 10 years I watched it last, so the details were a bit hazy.
This is a great review and I second everything that you write. I think that there is a lot of who content that is a lot worse. I also think that the sexual exploration makes sense in the plot and don’t feel tacky or anything like that.
To be fair, it’s not actually as bad as I’ve made it out, in other places on here, it’s not great, but yeah
Like @BillFiler says, it’s mostly the production quality and acting that’s bad, it feels like a student film in places
Honestly though, if they did do more to flesh out the character stuff a bit more, and give that the focus it deserves, it could be pretty good, I actually reckon if they were to do a novelisation, being able to get into the heads of the characters would really help it and potentially be a really solid book
I think it could be really good if we got some inner monologues from Lauren in a novelisation as you say.
There’s a lot to unpack, and they don’t really do that on the screen sadly