A completely random topic that a conversation with @deltaandthebannermen inspired me to make.
Whenever I’m discussing the audio adventures or writing reviews, I will always write BigFinish as one word.
This is obviously incorrect, and something I’ve just gotten in the habbit of doing and am unable to spell it any other way - it just bugs me when I see it written “Big Finish” in my own reviews, and I instantly correct it.
I’ve always written Big Finish or BF. I have never seen anyone spell it “BigFinish”.
When I first discovered BF, I thought they had something to do with Finland and got very excited (I know it’s missing an “N”). At some point, I realised that someone who doesn’t know anything about them might interpret the name “Big Finish” very differently and think that they’re a very different company. Or perhaps that’s just my naughty mind…
I seem to be more of a ‘two word’ person when it comes to Big Finish, although I’d never say a word against anyone who differed from that - especially as, if I’m feeling particularly lazy (which is most of the time), I refer to them as BF.
As an aside, I have a Facebook friend who refers to them as FigBin - but never in an uncomplimentary way!