It’s not just me who thinks War’s face looks off, right?
Yeah. It looks like his face has slid across his skull a little.
Maybe he’s a Zygon, too
Nope. I think it’s the return of:
Wait… November is ‘Winter’… Gallifrey comes out in November… Wynter surprise return!!? ?!? ?!
Gallifrey: The Revenge of Wynter
He’s back… and he’s ready to throw hands!
Now that’s just mean
Non BF cover
Wow, it’s bad. Looks like something I made in my youth with Photoshop CS1
The bronze soldiers gain some extreme new firepower!
It was an absolute pleasure to bring to life a ‘Television Realistic’ interpretation of the 3.75" toy design for Will Brooks’ cover.
Taken from artists Twitter page.
That’s awful, particularly Capaldi just plonked in the corner.
Looks like something I’d be capable of whipping up with my non-existent Photoshop skills.
Well, at least it’s not AI-generated…
Oh my giddy aunt, it looks great!
I just randomly stumbled upon this artists DeviantArt page. Some cool DVD cover versions of BF releases.
My favorite DeviantArt Doctor Who artist is megaplumfinity
Not sure if anyone has posted these yet, but may I present the double whammy of The Gates of Hell and Wink
5 really does get the best covers!