'Bernice Summerfield: Series Six' REVIEWED!

Something of a mixed bag, but one which shook up the range for the forseable future…

Christmas is almost ruined by two Eternals battling for Enlightenment; Benny goes sleepwalking on planet controlled by the Monoids, before having her arm blown off in TribCity; the origins of the Goddess are revealed; and Braxiatel’s schemes finally catch up with him on Cantus…

My reviews of the sixth series are now available to read.

#6.01. The Heart’s Desire

#6.02. The Kingdom of the Blind

#6.03. The Lost Museum

#6.04. The Goddess Quandary

#6.05. The Crystal of Cantus

If you enjoy reading these reviews, do feel free to drop them a like - I’m working towards those illustrious reviewer badges.