Bernice Summerfield Novels added!

There were a whole bunch of stories that, for some reason, we only had the audiobooks on the site.

Well, no more! The Bernice Summerfield novels have all been added, and they are collected in this set:

Please go ahead and complete, rate, and review them! Feel free to discuss them below.



I’ve gone ahead and rated the ones that I’ve read. The Glass Prison is an absolute standout for me. It properly made me shed a tear at one point. I love Sofia the Grel so much <3 <3


There are still a handful I can’t seem to mark as collected.

Because I haven’t collected them. :cry:

Is now a good time to mention the novelization of The Pescatons is not available? That only appears as audio. But hey, great to have these Benny books up now!


Ah yeah I still need to do lots more novels, and tonnes of Audiobooks.

Basically, there was a point where I thought I’d go the same way as TARDIS Wiki, and have a single “Story” page that covered both the novel and the audiobook.

But actually I’m moving away from that and treating them separately (which has its pros and cons) so now I need to do the unenviable task of going back and adding in every one missed out… which is a lot…


We appreciate all your sacrifices @shauny. Next to the Wiki and the Matrix on Gallifrey, this might be the best tracker of Who-related media out there. And it’s got a great community built up around it. Long live the Guide!!!