A badge for every episode the Fourth Doctor offers someone a jelly baby?
I don’t think you need badges for watching/listening to/reading all of a certain set. It feels like the badges are mainly there to promote community aspects like rating/reviewing. The reward for watching all of classic who is that you got to watch all of classic who. But I’m aware I might just be being the fun police on this one.
I know I posted this one somewhere else today, but definitely watch this comedy spoof when you have finished the Green Death
I love the badge ideas.
The trouble with ones like “all stories where the Doctor does Venusian Aikido” is that 99% of people will just earn it by default and be like “oh that’s nice”.
I have a couple of hidden badges for things like that but I try and make them go across seasons or across medias.
As @PlumPudding said, the primary goal of badges is to encourage rating, reviewing, and soon favouriting quotes, plus contributing to the site.
But I have a whole list of ideas of new ones and keep your ideas coming!
I saw this a couple months ago after reading the novelisation and was thinking of this when I suggested the badge, don’t think it’s on the website yet though.
I love fun badges like the Cyber Leader and Harriet Jones ones, and it’s taken me 3 months to come up with the one I just suggested
Maybe when I redo the badges area so it’s not so overwhelming. I want it to be a bit more organised and neat, let you choose which ones to feature on your profile, and highlight ones you recently earned. Then I can add even more random ones like the one you suggested.
I have a lot to do!
I thought we were all joking? I know I was. I think it’s interesting to see how often characters actually say or do their trademark, but I don’t see a reason to have badges for that.
Yeah it was a jokey example!
Yeah…it…err…it was just a joke
By the way, just wanna throw this in here to keep you all on your toes…
There is actually a secret badge I added right at the very beginning, that no-one has unlocked yet!
It’s not a numbers thing, it’s literally only a couple dozen stories you need to rate, but they are spread across many different mediums and ranges, and all share a common theme.
I wonder who will be the first to get it
Do we get any hints?
How about a secret “Assistant to the Regional Manager” badge?
That would be telling!
OK here is a slight clue - it’s a jokey kinda badge, with a funny line a modern companion says, but it’s nothing to do with that companion, just the situation they are in when they say it.
I don’t think that helped, sorry lol
Is it “rated all of Shauny’s favourite stories”
No but that’s a good idea.
“Match Shauny’s ratings exactly on everything”.
Could be called “Sucking up to the boss”
Is that line a quote on the site?
And when you say modern, do you mean modern of revival?
A little while ago i saw the rated all of classic badge has been added, but in turn the first doctor badge has disappeared. Has it become a hidden badge or was it accidentally replaced?
It’s still there on the forum’s list of badges
My guess is it got accidentally turned hidden