August 2024 Club Schedule

This should be accurate now after accidentally missing a week in July on my original schedule.


Book Club
August 1 - The Stone Rose
August 15 - Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark

Audio Club
August 2 - Primeval
August 9 - The One Doctor
August 16 - Invaders from Mars
August 23 - The Chimes of Midnight
August 30 - Seasons of Fear

TV Club
August 5 - New Earth
August 12 - The Romans
August 19 - Tooth and Claw
August 26 - The Web Planet

Comics Club
August 14 - Hyperion
August 28 - Weapons of Past Destruction


Or, if you want strict chronological, here’s this:

August 1, 2024 - The Stone Rose (Book Club )
August 2, 2024 - Primeval (Audio Club )
August 5, 2024 - New Earth (TV Club )
August 9, 2024 - The One Doctor (Audio Club )
August 12, 2024 - The Romans (TV Club )
August 14, 2024 - Hyperion (Comics Club )
August 15, 2024 - Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark (Book Club )
August 16, 2024 - Invaders from Mars (Audio Club )
August 19, 2024 - Tooth and Claw (TV Club )
August 23, 2024 - The Chimes of Midnight (Audio Club )
August 26, 2024 - The Web Planet (TV Club )
August 28, 2024 - Weapons of Past Destruction (Comics Club )
August 30, 2024 - Seasons of Fear (Audio Club )


Really excited for chimes of midnight! And finally, my chance to share my incredibly critical review of weapons of past destruction (it sucks really bad)


Omg we’re hitting Chimes this month! We’re racing through these, how exciting!