Audio Club: Whispers of Terror

Here is the official thread for the Audio Club: Whispers of Terror!

This is also available for free on Spotify.

Please discuss below - you can start listening at any time and join in whenever you like! Please just add spoiler tags if you’re discussing spoilers.

Participating in the Audio Club will earn you another badge! :medal_sports:

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Having not listened to this for probably about 20 odd years I am definitely going to give this a re-listen. Quite excited about it, to be honest. Colin, Nicola, Lisa Bowerman and Peter Miles! And, if I remember rightly, this was touted - at the time - as being a story that ‘only worked in the audio medium’ or somesuch.


Yes it does sound like an experimental format and I’m quite excited to listen to this one!


I’ve listened to this a couple of times, but it’s been a year or two since the last time, so I’ll give it a re-listen for the club. This is the first BF audio that truly utilises the medium of audio to tell its story, which is why it wouldn’t work as such on TV. It’s also clearly an early BF 6th Doctor release because he is closer to his TV characterization here than to his softer and more likeable side that he displays later on.


I did listen to this this morning on my way to work. This feels like they understand the medium and its limitations. I think the story is fun and I like Perri. I am still no fan of the 6th Doctor but hopefully, that will change when I listen to more BF stuff with him (@MrColdStream comment makes me hopefull of that).



Hang in there, @Tian! BF has given Colin Baker real redemption, and he’s one of the Doctors who’s benefited the most from doing Big Finish. His change in character arguably begins with The Marian Conspiracy, where he is given a new, BF original companion.


Exciting. That is just 3 weeks from now.


Friday is Audio Club day! I’m gonna try to listen to one a week for the club.

I had heard this one before a long time ago. BF haven’t started to develop the character of Sixie yet, in fact Colin is in full on antagonistic mode a lot of the time but this a fun story revolving around a good mystery with a touch of political commentary. The idea of a Museum of Aural Antiquities, is perfectly suited to the audio format. The sound design is good for such an early release. This is the earliest BF story I would recommend to people that have not heard any before.

Sixie’s costume is better on audio :laughing:


Honestly, his costume’s grown on me over the years. :stuck_out_tongue:


A real favourite of mine. If Sirens was fan-service to get the ball rolling and Phantasmagoria was BF showing that they could do a TV serial on audio, then Whispers was their first truly ground-breaking story.

Not only is it a tale which only works on audio, as others have mentioned, but it manages to avoid the kind of in-jokes and references which plague a lot of fan fiction. No historical side-gags or wandering classic monsters, just a clever, tight, story told in a new and exciting way.


It’s better on audio, amirite :grin:

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I listened to this fairly early on in my Big Finish experience and it is one of the reasons I’ve continued on with it. I love when they do more experimental or strange stories, and this one really fits that bill.


Haven’t listened to this in a hot minute. Started listening on the way to work for a stupidly late shift. I think it’s kind of amazing that it only took this little audio company 3 releases to come out with an out and out classic. This is just one of those releases I go to when I know I want just a good story where everyone is on their A-game and the writing matches up.
I love how they rewrite the Six-Peri friendship here. The two are just so lovingly prickly and argue like an old married couple. It’s a dynamic I love but I can understand why it grates on some.
Just overall a really good story and Big Finish’s first of many classic stories


Cannot remember the last time I listened to this one and it is one I could not remember one single detail of, but I am delighted to rediscover it’s an awesome one. I love it when audio drama leans really hard into the audio aspect and it works really well here. Also I love Six and Peri and I think Lisa Bowerman should be allowed to be the bad guy way more often


Agreed about Bowerman. This is a weird one with Lisa Bowerman as a villain and Peter Miles as a good guy.


Definitely starting to form themselves better with each story. Enjoy relistening to this one. Kicked on my virtual surround sound and sat back played a few games. Sound design is really good and the bickering is back hehe.


I tried to listen to this last night, after a big meal and a few drinks, and I realised when I heard the sting at the end of the first episode that I had no idea what was happening. Will listen again.

I must stop trying to listen in bed, it never works :joy:


Just grabbed from BF, I needed something to listen to while in Prague for work next week. :+1:t2:


This is another one that I really like. It’s definitely built with the audio medium in mind. The advent of a softer Six is there just waiting to burst out, but in a bid to capture the feel of the TV series we still get the bickering between Six and Peri. I like to think that is the start of the bridge between Revelation of the Daleks and The Mysterious Planet as far as their relationship goes. I last listened to this in May 2021, so it’ll be fun to reacquaint myself with it once I get a chance.