I’ve just finished parts three and four of this one. I’m glad I listened to it over two days because, after the first half, I was debating if I wanted to continue with this or not. Come today, it wasn’t as bad as my first impression made it out to be.
That being said, it was just “fine” to me. That’s all I can say about it. It’s mostly dialogue between Erimem and the villain, and Peri, Five, and the rest of the team with not much else happening in the way of action.[1] I did like the obligatory Perimem line in the first part (and throughout the audio as Peri tries to save her friend’s life), further solidifying the fact that they’re BFFs at first sight.
Peri and Erimem can now commiserate together over the fact that they’ve both experienced a shape-shifting villain claiming to be their father.
which isn’t necessarily a complaint because I love books and films where “nothing happens” ↩︎
Not the most exciting of audios. Starts out strong and fizzles out. A bit of a waste of a strong setting. Great piece for Erimem, though, and Edward de Souza is always great to have back!
While The Roof of the World does a great job of developing Erimem’s character and deepening her relationship with Peri, it struggles as an adventure. The Himalayan setting is wasted, the plot loses steam after a strong start, and the villain lacks presence. The audio leans too heavily on long conversations at the expense of pacing and excitement, making it a slow and often uneventful listen.
It’s got a nice setting and some good experimentalism with the structure but delves into mediocrity as it goes along. Not one I’ll likely be fondly remembering but I’m glad for the character work it did with Erimem.
Mediocre. It’s got some really interesting ideas and a spectacular performance from Caroline Morris. I wish there was an actual story in there though. As it stands, it feels like an outline wasn’t fully fleshed out they just wrote lines to explain everything.
The Roof of the World is a perfect Example of a Story that should be good or great, but just is okay. Its Execution is really the Thing that holds it back from the most Part, so many great Things here to be used, some of which, I admit, get touched greatly before it drives into Mediocrity. It’s okay!