Audio Club: The Fearmonger

Finished this tonight and it really is very good.

I remembered the twist about who the creature was in around the time the story suggests it is inside the Doctor but that part is done very well and I like how the story builds on the narrative of Season 26 of the Doctor testing Ace and how this story makes that part of the denouement.

The cliffhanger to Part Three is weirdly cut into the theme tune but that is something that happens a lot in early Big Finishes (Winter for the Adept has some very odd decisions about where to cut to the theme tune).

Jacqueline Pearce is excellent - a villain who thinks they are the good guy and one who is almost the most human adversary the Doctor has come up against. She simply lets everyone else, including the general public, achieve her aims for her. It’s excellent writing and a brilliant performance.

I’m off to the guide to re-rate this one higher than I had it


I also miss the days of the Lee Sullivan artwork promos for these releases. The Fearmonger was the first release to get one of these:


ahhh i love these little promo comics!! Lee Sullivan probably has my favorite art style out of all of the artists I’ve seen doing these. He definitely draws my favorite Evelyns… she’s so cute in his art for Bloodtide !!


I’ve just finished this (I know, I’m running behind, but hey I’m also trying to build new features for the site :D)

Absolutely loved this one. Just as I was a bit worried that I wasn’t all that happy with the Main Range so far, this one blew all the others out of the water. Seven and Ace were particularly good, I love their chemistry together. And there are some excellent quotes, some of which I’ve added here. Love it.



that’s the danger of the Main Range unfortunately - there are some real gems but there are also a whole bunch which are just a slog :confused:


I sent you a few from this too using the Discord channel.


Nice thanks, I’ll check it now.


“This is ridiculous! How can you go from plenty of time to running out of time in no time at all?” This is my favourite quote from the first BF story with plenty of them. And this week’s audio features many more!

McCoy’s delivery of that line makes it golden!


Yeah I loved that one :smile:


Just given this a listen again. I like it a lot more than I did previously. I gave it a 4/5.

Here is my non-spoiler review:


I just learned that. Makes Ace shouting at him more fun.


The Doctor, Ace and the concept of the fearmonger were great in this ep.

The rest just wasn’t my thing…
The back and forth between Walter now he’s good and now he’s bad again. good bad good bad

The annoying Sherilyn harper, the abundance of politics.

Nope, my brain already turns off at the word “election”


It´s been a while since I listen to this one, but yeah many already said it: Its politic commentary is really well written and well you cant go wrong with the Tardis Team of 7 and Ace. I have to admit, while I still need to listen to the 3rd and 4rd Play, I cant see them beat this out of the first 5. This just might be the first great Big Finish Play so far, at least. Its Story is really well written and played wonderful by our leads and it gives you (at least me) an eerie feeling with its really nice sound design. While the idea of an alien feeding off fear is already a bit overdone (even at that time) this still works fairly good and is such a stellar first outing for solo 7 outing in the MR. (Seriously, they got it sooo right at their first go??) Admittedly, while I praised the sound design, not everything is perfect, it still has some issues that plagued previous and even some later releases. Still I enjoyed this one, it does really feel like a story that could have come out if the classic series continued onwards in the 90s


Well this certainly felt very topical and relevant to the present day - it was hard to believe it was made 25 years ago!

I found the beginning very confusing as to what was going on, and didn’t think I was going to like it all that much for that reason (although this also made it very authentic to the TV series which had the same issues!)

But I was completely hooked by halfway through Episode Two and loved all the false clues as to who the monster was hiding in (I did guess it, but at the same time was thinking "no, it can’t be…!)

Another great story. Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to tackle this range.


I’d reviewed ‘The Fearmonger’ back on the other site.

Updated and transferred that review over here this morning.

Honestly, I think any story which still manages to be politically relevant over two decades following its release is quite the achievement.

Also quite frightening, considering the current political landscape in the UK, but the story is immaculate.

Bit of Trivia:

Jonathan Blum supposedly had a breakdown whilst writing ‘The Fearmonger’ due to BigFinish deadlines, which meant it had to be delayed.

Stephen Cole was then brought in to write a quick script to be released in its place, and that’s why ‘The Land of the Dead’ exists.


It’s a long time since I’ve listened to this. Moved house and had a disaster which wiped out many of my early Big Finish stories. Gutting.

Anyway, I LOVED this so much! It absolutely recaptured the spirit of the Seventh Doctor for me, had highly relevant messages and cracked along at a good old pace. In may ways a very pertinent story for today. A LOT of fearmongering going on these days.


All of these early releases are ‘free’ with a Spotify or Apple Music account.


That’s good to know. Many thanks for the intel!


I really liked this one! Compelling politics and a great introduction scene for the Seventh Doctor.


I believe, key word believe, that I fully finished this, and from what I can remember it’s quite a treat. Nice commentary, wonderful acting, and just a very solid product all around. This was my second Seventh Doctor story as it happens, after The Curse Of Fenric.