Audio Club: Primeval

I’m really struggling with this ‘Five’s audios are boring’ stance which seems rampant throughout the forum.

I don’t remember being bored by any of them and some of them are excellent, IMO - Phantasmagoria and The Eye of the Scorpion being at the top. I didn’t find Red Dawn to be boring at all and whilst I’ll admit they’re not great stories, Land of the Dead, Winter for the Adept and The Mutant Phase definitely didn’t bore me.

That said, I just checked my review from way back when and I described this story as ‘languid’ and criticise the fact it’s mainly talking about stuff.


The Fifth Doctor is probably my least favorite on TV as well. I don’t know why I feel that he is boring but at least for me, it is probably a combination of companions that I don’t connect with and the general vibe of that Doctor.


It’s weird. I agree with the Fifth Doctor’s underwhelming reputation, but then Davison seems like such an outstanding human. That scene in the Five(ish) Doctors Reboot where he apparently thinks the TARDIS is real is so, so funny. I blame the writing not giving him material he could perform well on both the show and these early Big Finish audios.


I think Five is at his best in the novels, personally; he works really well as a book protagonist in a way I think he frequently doesn’t as much in other media

I also find a disproportionate number of Five audios boring, especially early on, but I think the older Nyssa arc is a really good set of audios with him that imo mostly don’t fall into the boring category at all


Haven’t done this one yet.
To clarify - it won’t make sense to me if I haven’t seen The Keeper of Traken, right?


I first listened to it before I had watched Keeper, and I was okay, although there is a spoilery moment that works better if you’ve watched the TV story.


Love the past enemies in this one.