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I was kind of disappointed by Omega. The idea of a Time Lord guided historical tour sounded cool as hell, but after a while the audio kind of felt like a drag. There’s tons of cool parts and details that make this setting feel very real. There’s this scene where a medical droid witnesses his patient being strangled. Practically panicking, it tries to stop the altercation verbally before suspending its “Hippocratic protocols” and knocking the assailant down.
The idea of Omega possessing the body of the Doctor and exploring their similarities was fun but kind of felt underdeveloped. And I didn’t really like how Sentia’s character was written.
It was decent but had some serious faults. 5/10 from me.
Omega marks the beginning of the excellent Villain Trilogy and, whilst not terrible, it definitely is the weak link of the three.
A fun setting and great twist halfway through certainly help the story but it trips over its own lore too often and Omega isn’t half as intimidating as he should be.
Full review here, if you enjoy, feel free to drop a like
I really enjoyed Omega. Definitely the weakest of the 3 villain stories but it still has some wonderful ideas. The history tour is fun and theres some great interactions between Omega and the Doctor. I gave it an 8/10. Fun, but the next two are definitely stronger stories.
I feel like the odd ones out here, because some of the criticism I hear are some of the strongest points for me. It’s definitely much more flawed as a Story than the other two that follow, but, and this is a big “but”, as BF goes for that time period, I think they nailed it (for the most part).
Especially the first Half of the Story is incredible. Ending with such a good Cliffhanger Ending, easily one of my favorites. The second half loses some of its focus and at times can be frustrating, still the good outweigh the bad for me.
A Highlight here is easily Ian Collier, who returns from Arc of Infinity and while there is a point to make that every time Omega returned, they didn’t nail him as they did the first time. For me while weaker, it’s still an improvement over Arc and gives Collier more quiet Moment, which he works much better than the more shouty approach we are used to Omega. Some Exploration of Omega was done rather well, I thought, even if at times it fell into the trap of the Timelord feeling too much like human society. They are at some of their best, when we get the more alien aspects to them.
Davison gives here a stellar Performance, the other Voices do a solid job and nobody fells too out of place.
As far as a first Who Script goes (Fountain apparently wrote a Benny Short Story before, but this is its own thing), I think it’s marvelous, despite being consumed by some of its ambition.
I realised this week that I totally forgot to listen to this last week, so had some catching up to do!
This was an interesting story. Strong performances, a nice central idea, and a really good exploration of the Omega/Doctor relationship. It’s not the most exciting story, but it’s one of the stronger Fifth Doc audios.
And the twist - genuinely clever!
Loved Ertikus as a sort of Chronotis rip-off. Didn’t love the love story between Omega and Sentia, which felt similar to the Master/Lucy rubbish from Series 3.
Interested to find put how this compares to the other two in the trilogy.