Audio Club Extra: Gallifrey 1.3 - The Inquiry

We continue through Series 1 of Gallifrey - Big Finish’s political spin-off of Time Lords and Tribulations.

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A court room drama sounded pretty much perfect for a series so heavily steeped in political espionage, government coverups and back stabbing shenanigans.

Shame The Inquiry isn’t that.

What we have instead is a fun but decidedly messy race against the clock that unfortunately ends in a tiresome dump of exposition.

Not bad, but could’ve been way neater.

Full review here, if you enjoy, please feel free to drop a like:


Agree completely with @Speechless - messy and confusing at the end is probably how I would describe this one. I like this episode enough, and now that I’ve listened to it 500000 times I think I understand it, but it probably is my least favourite of s1. This is also an episode which is greatly enhanced by listening to Benny (it’s in no way necessary, but now that I have, I can see where it all fits together and it’s fun :slight_smile: )


Hmmm I didn’t really like this one. Not enough courtroom drama. Way too much exposition. Convulted explanation of what happened. I’m still not sure I actually know what happened.

I’m fed up of hearing the words “Timonic Fusion Device”. And what the heck is a microspan :laughing:

I’m now going to read the plot on the Wiki to see if it makes more sense but going to be a 6/10 for me so far, got a lot of hopes pinned on the next one…!


No-one knows :wink:
The Time Lord equivalent of a Dalek Rel?


it’s on the order of minutes, span is broadly an hour, and who knows what they use for seconds… it’s all very inconsistent lmao


Nanospans are seconds, I guess!


Pretty sure they use “nanospan” for seconds.

Considering Time Lords are the blueprint for all humanoid life, couldn’t they have introduced some kind of universal time signature and just use the Earth terms for convenience.


At other points in the series they do use minutes and seconds :person_shrugging: as always, Doctor Who just makes so much sense :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It bugs me so much when they use ‘minutes’ and ‘hours’ in Gallifrey series :weary:


Yay! More Gallifrey!

The Inquiry = 7/10

Hey! It’s a courtroom drama! Except when it isn’t…

Great episode for Romana, Leela and Braxiatel. Lynda Bellingham should’ve been in it more. Leela digging into the data archives is interesting. But the tail end is convoluted and lost me a bit.


We haven’t seen the last of Darkel. I was a bit indifferent to her character in Trial, but she’s great in this series.


Here’s the wiki article: Microspan - Tardis Wiki. “As employed by Lord President Romana, Darkel, and K9 Marks I and II, it seemed to indicate a length of time somewhere between Earth seconds and minutes.” Which is just maddeningly unhelpful.


Enjoyed this one, there’s a lot of interesting plot and some very cool character moments. It did take me two listens to feel like I grasped the plot but tbh that’s nearly always the case with audios, the first time it’s just unconnected, short scenes in my mind, no matter what I do. I liked the convoluted time/matrix stuff, it’s really fun that this series seems to explore some of the weirder time travel stuff more.

It’s nice to see some more background for Braxiatel, this story gives him some real character, where before he seemed to mostly be someone Romana could talk to, and I think his motivation is beautifully acted out too.

Romana herself, is, as always, wonderful (I just adore her voice!) and gets to be quite clever. I particularly enjoyed the scene where she uncovered Braxiatel’s apparent involvement.

Leela also continues to be wonderful. She can just do so much raw emotion especially with her uncovering/starting to uncover? -feels like that is not quite done yet- the circumstances of Andred’s death.

All in all, a great story, though the first two were a bit better in my opinion.


What annoys me about this, is that micro is just totally the wrong prefix for this purpose. Micro is a millionth or 10^-6 so the relation just doesn’t work at all.
If you want a base ten system equivalent/same order of size (might not be correct term) between hours and minutes you’d have to do either deci or centi.
And you could do a pretty good base ten system for time in my opinion, for example, you could do a span(I do like the word)=a tenth of a day or appr 2 ½ hours, decispan=appr 15 minutes, centispan= appr 1½ minutes and a tenth of that is a bit less than a second. All of those are helpful amounts of time! I don’t understand why they can’t just either totally make up names or at least use something with sense!



but for real, isn’t Louise Jameson the best :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


In case you missed it, the planet destroyed by Timonic Fusion Device in the original timeline is Minyos, the origin planet of the P7E from Underworld.


I am still not very impressed by this or Narvin… If it was not for all the praise here I would probably quit now.


I’m the same, unfortunately

Although I do love Romana. She has a lovely voice to listen to and I have a soft spot for strong women characters.

(I also like Leela but the her whole thing of not understanding words because she’s a bit primitive, and being the butt of jokes, does grate on me)


I promise you guys that if you don’t care about A Blind Eye either we can stop (even if that means you’ll never hear Spirit :smiling_face_with_tear:). I promise you I do get it and I felt much the same about s1 at first, but if you want to tap out then I will get it. But s2 is much more consistent and good and if you want to understand Narvin, it’s in s2 where he changes