- I like, or love, this
- I agree
- I completely agree, same
- That was funny
- Hooray! Celebrate!
- Hugs, either happy hugs or condolences / empathy
- Gosh! Shocked!
- Mind blown! Amazing, incredible
- Crying, sadness
- That makes me angry
- Disagree
- That looks incredible, stunning
- Either curious, or more often, ‘evil eyes’, judging
- K9
- Doctor Who! TARDIS Guide! Solidarity!
- Doctor Who but make it queer, or Happiness Will Prevail
I think that we can add at most two more though, because after that they would have to be made smaller to still fit well on a mobile screen (or at least my mobile screen, it might already be as wide as possible on a smaller phone)
Why couldn’t the pink TARDIS relate to women? Seems to me that the pink could convey that. I also find the eyes very confusing. Could someone explain in greater detail?
Oh yes women too, it is whatever you want it to be (I was just being silly with my comments).
Well if someone posts something intriguing like “Amazon leaked that there will be a new novelisation of Jubilee!” You might add a which is like “I am intrigued, this is me looking into it”
OR if someone is being cheeky you might post a to mean “I am watching you, and I judge what you are saying”.
I use the side eyes as my virtual ‘teacher stare’ for when someone (usually Scandinavian or a certain well-travelled website designer) is being cheeky towards me.
I suppose it was somewhat silly of me to make such a strong statement about what I think the pink TARDIS reaction will be used for. After all, we haven’t even started using it yet! As we discussed in my Digital Anthropology class, we’ve just created the affordance (ability) to react that way. It is up to us to decide how to use it. (Although it is somewhat unusual to create an affordance with no set goal in mind…)
(Seems like the most common usage now is in relation to the ability to react with a Pink TARDIS, indicating that it is the bootstrap paradox of reactions. A larger sample size will be needed.)
I find that the emojis can mean whatever we personally want them to mean. I don’t think we should or could have a consensus on this. I usually use the emoji taht feels right in that very moment, even if the use of that emoji can vary across comments.
And the eyes is something @deltaandthebannermen uses on my comments everytime I make a funny joke! That’s one good use for it! I call them the ‘Delta Eyes’!
With that added, it wouldn’t matter if we lost the angry emoji.
I haven’t seen the trolling, but if it continues we could either replace it with something like or approach the individual directly.