An Introduction To... Me I Suppose

Ello!!! :))

I’m Tilly, I go by she/her pronouns and - obviously - I love Doctor Who :smiley:

Been watching the show on and off since 2009 when my mate Fraz introduced me to it and I’ve been slowly making my way through the huge waves of expanded media :sweat_smile:; a lot to get through but I’m enjoying myself :))

Few wee facts about me:

  • My favourite Doctor is 8
  • My favourite companion is Zoe (who I apparently look like, so there’s that)
  • I’m slowly getting into doing cosplay, it’s really fun :slight_smile:
  • I like reviewing things and I love reading what other people have to say about my favourite little show :slight_smile:

Glad to be here :smiley:


Welcome to the party, Tilly!


Hi there. Welcome to the site.

What has been some cool things that you have come across so far in the expanded media?

We have TV Club Audio Club Book Club and Comic Club. They’re good places to jump into and give your spicy opinions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If there is anything you want to know about in the site or forum, feel free to ask, and we will point you in the right direction.

I hope you enjoy your stay.


Welcome to the forum @TillyTheTill - it’s great to have you here.


Hi and welcome to the TardisGuide Forums.


Welcome! It will be good to hear your thoughts on things! I am a cosplayer too, I love to make things :blush: Who have you cosplayed so far?

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one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us

Welcome tho Tilly! (It’s me Via)


Hey, welcome to the forum!

Love to see more cosplayers here, I wish I were any good at it lmao

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Ello Tilly and welcome to our lovely little community! I look forward to reading your reviews!

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