Quite, oh working day? Oh dear, your body should tell you more often to leave the book behind and sleep!!!
Finally finished it! (Was less left to read for me than I thought), it was superb! Love it! It has a Kroton, so of course it’s a 10/10
Quite, oh working day? Oh dear, your body should tell you more often to leave the book behind and sleep!!!
Finally finished it! (Was less left to read for me than I thought), it was superb! Love it! It has a Kroton, so of course it’s a 10/10
Yes! Very annoying to try to read it like that with an ereader hahahah
Yay! Poor Kroton guy was sooo lost the whole time, I felt bad for him/it. They didn’t even care for his weapons
Oh, yeah! I was surprised to see the best Doctor Who Monster returning here, what an odd choice! But yeah poor Kroton #JusticeForKrotons
Hi all,
Just wanted to thank everyone for helping me navigate the 8th Doctor books, I’m well on my way through Vampire Science and I’m really enjoying it!
I’m looking forward to my next book in the series and am really enjoying this incarnation of the Doctor.
Next up: Genocide
Finally finished The Bodysnatchers. Skipable as hell.
I thought it was just fine until that twist two thirds of the way that is surprisingly gritty. Not a must read but decent enough
You said it
Great review!! I agree 100%. The mass murder??? accidental mass murder??? The Doctor is very sad for all of 5 minutes?? The Zygon scientist forgives him because, what, he has very beautiful sad blue eyes? he does, but that’s not the point right now!!!
Tell me, what do you think about Sam so far?
I like her but she also doesn’t really have much of a character yet. She’s not as inconsistent as I have been led to believe, but there are definitely some things that I hope later writers expand on.
Right, starting Beltempest. Wish me luck…
Finished Vampire Science, and as everyone said it was great!
Starting Genocide tonight!
Woot, Woot!
Don’t forget to mark Vampire Science as complete on your profile, and rate it if you want!
Genocide is really good (saying this is gonna get me put on a watchlist).
Hi all,
Super newbie question here regarding the eighth doctor and Sam.
I started the series with Vampire Science and Sam was already “with” the doctor at the point.
Is there another book where Sam joining the Doctor is explained?
The Eight Doctors. Though Sam is barely in it, just showing up at the beginning and end. I personally enjoy the book but I know most of fandom doesn’t.
It’s basically 2 scenes in The Eight Doctors, one at the start and one at the end, and they’re totally seprate from the rest of the book (and aren’t very good). Genuinely, Vampire Science is a much better introduction to her as a character. You’re not missing anything.
Yeah as @DarthGallifrey and @NyssaUnbound say– she’s a really minor character in The Eight Doctors. If you really want her introduction proper you could read the first two chapters and the final chapter– that’s all you need.
There is a short BBC audiobook called Bounty that describes one of her earliest trips in the TARDIS, set before Vampire Science. It’s also not very good IMO, but it quietly establishes her bisexuality to go along with Seeing I.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up!
I was just trying to understand how a High School kid can just run off in the Tardis with the Doctor.
Does time stop in the Tardis? Just thinking her family might miss her, etc?
Sorry I’m a bit un-schooled here!
Don’t worry at all, it’s really cool to see someone exploring the world of Doctor Who through novels!
Time doesn’t stop in the TARDIS, but it does get a bit weird. It travels technically outside of time, and by most accounts you’ll have difficulty saying how long you traveled with the doctor, especially if it was for a long time. And in the Titan comics, it’s actually suggested that people might age slower in there. No idea how that is specifically handled in the EDAs though, since I haven’t yet read any of them
Time only stops in the sense that a time machine can, in theory, take you back to the moment you left home, no matter how long you spend travelling in the meantime. However, if you spend, like, 20 years on the tardis, then get dropped back at the moment you left, people will notice that you’ve just suddenly aged 20 years.