A lurker surfaces

So apparently I won the award for ‘most active lurker’, which is slightly embarrassing because it makes me come across as a little creepy. The truth is I just like to read what people say about doctor who, but I’m a bit anxious about posting on forums myself.

But here is an introduction anyway –

Hello, my name is Gray (they/them), and doctor who is my special interest! Some of the areas I’m particularly obsessed with include the Gallifrey audios, the 8th doctor audios, the EDAs, Class, and the 1st, 4th, 7th and 12th doctors’ eras of the TV show. I’m a big finish addict, but am still working my way through classic who (for which tardisguide has been extremely helpful). My favourite character at the moment is Romana!

(Thanks for the award, by the way.)



You’ve come out of the shadows, and we’re very glad you’re here!



Apologies for the wording of the award, didn’t mean to make you sound creepy :sweat_smile:

Thanks for introducing yourself, there’s no need to be anxious, we don’t bite (well, I can’t vouch for everyone…) but I do understand!

Gallifrey! Squees incoming …


Hi, welcome, and congratulations!

Nothing wrong with lurking about and enjoying our various topics and conversations :slight_smile:

But also feel free to contribute with whatever you feel comfortable with! We are a friendly bunch and this is a safe space for all!

Oh, and we have loads of Gallifrey, 8DA and BF fans here, so you’re in good company!


Welcome! I hope you have/continue to have fun here!

I do love to lurk online as well, but it’s a lot of fun to talk with people too and everyone here is really nice (as you’ll probably already have gathered)

My favourite character is also Romana (well, tied with Leela) and I have fallen deeply, completely and utterly in love with the Gallifrey series so I think we’re going to get along very well :blush:


Hello and welcome! (And also hellow fellow Eighth Doctor fan!)


You are approved as a cool Person. There is no escape anymore, you shall be known as the most notablest of them all (see see what I did there?)

Anyway welcome :clap: or should I say glad to see you write here! Lovely Introduction. Don’t worry you don’t come across as creepy, many times I will just read something in a Thread without saying anything, so don’t feel pressure to start being active on here or something like that!
Anyhow, if you don’t mind me asking, got any favorite televised Stories you wanna share or briefly mention?


Significantly better worded than the Dundie award won by Kevin, described by Stanley as 'smelliest bowel movement"!

Welcome to @greyherringgull. I’m often anxious about saying the wrong thing online, despite the evidence above. Lurking or posting, it’s good to have you around.


No need to apologise, I was mostly embarrassed at my own lurker-ish-ness than the wording itself!


Yay, another Romana fan! I’ve read your reactions to listening to Gallifrey, it’s always great to see other people enjoy the best ever audio series. Leela is another one of my favourite characters too, and her relationship with Romana makes me insane - the contrasts between them! the devotion they have to each other!


It’s nice to hear you are enjoying my reactions! I’m very much enjoying writing them :smile:

Leela and Romana’s relationship also makes me insane. They are so interesting, so unbelievably codependent and bad for each other but at the same time they’re everything they have! It was listening to Spirit and hearing their relationship be explored deeply in that when I knew I didn’t just love this series but that it would become a core part of my character


We have similar taste in favorite Doctors, with the Fourth, Seventh, and Twelfth being in my top three (and the First is probably in my top five). I too was nervous about making myself known on the forum, and spent two months as a lurker. Now, I’m a pretty active member, having given into the temptation to blab a lot and let everyone know what I am thinking. I’ve been wondering if I should give Class a try sometime (especially since the first episode has the Twelfth Doctor in it). What should I know?


Thank you <3
Is it a reference to ‘the noblest Romana of them all’? If so, I’m flattered by the comparison

Some of my favourite televised stories are: the romans, the space museum, the time meddler, the massacre, the war games, the robots of death, the invasion of time, the stones of blood, city of death, the horns of nimon, remembrance of the daleks, survival, the tv movie, deep breath, and world enough and time/the doctor falls. It was difficult to limit myself to just this list - basically every Romana story is a favourite to me, and everything from seasons 25-26, and series 10.

Also, if we’re talking televised spinoffs too, then the whole of Class, but especially the metaphysical engine, or what quill did. Quill is one of my favourite characters, probably because of the number of things she suffers, and how horrible she is to everyone, so of course I adore that episode! It’s such a shame that Class doesn’t get more love.

As a twelfth doctor fan you might enjoy Class, but I don’t think that’s necessarily guaranteed because compared to other spinoffs there aren’t that many links with the main show, and it’s an entirely original cast of characters. I personally enjoy Class as its own entity, so I understand why other doctor who fans aren’t as obsessed with it as I am, even if I wish they were.

It’s definitely worth watching, though. Most of the episodes are really good, with an original recurring villain (the shadow kin) in several of them, and some really imaginative ideas in form (two episodes set at the same time but for different characters.) The only episodes that aren’t spectacular (in my opinion) are eps 2 and 3, but even those are perfectly enjoyable. It’s set between series 9 and 10 for the doctor, and does capture the tone of 12’s era (my favourite part of post-2005 doctor who) quite well, despite the lack of character overlap. Most of the main characters are just fine, but Quill is brilliant - having a character who resents the doctor and has a differing morality to him makes it so interesting. Also, it certainly achieves what it set out to do with a teen target audience.


Yes exactly! Glad you figured it out!

Great choices! Many of which are also some of my favorites such as The Massacre, World Enough, the TV Movie and so on. I do agree it’s hard to limit yourself to only a few Stories, that’s why I usually refer to my favorite Periods Seasonswise :sweat:. I do agree that S25-26, as well as Series 10 are some of the most superb seasons we got, I certainly have them all in my Top 10!

As for Spin-offs, I am afraid I can’t comment on Class, I do want to try to watch the Show possibly this year but knowing my Speed, I probably fall behind it :sob: Glad you enjoy it!


I wonder what this could be in reference to…

Anyway hello and welcome! Gallifrey is the best and we’re happy to have had you lurking all this time!


A formal welcome to the forum (even if you’ve been here a bit already)

And don’t worry about it at all, it’s not at all creepy, absolutely understandable being anxious about posting in these places!


Welcome to the open air @greyherringgull - and hey, lurking got you an award that I never had a chance of winning as I can’t shut up! :smiley: Hopefully, you’ll find yourself able to pipe up every now and again - you’ve hopefully seen we’re a friendly bunch here.


Welcome! I lurk sometimes and it’s fine but it can also feel a bit weird at times when lurking so I understand where you’re coming from. The forum is a great place and rather friendly.