Thank you <3
Is it a reference to ‘the noblest Romana of them all’? If so, I’m flattered by the comparison
Some of my favourite televised stories are: the romans, the space museum, the time meddler, the massacre, the war games, the robots of death, the invasion of time, the stones of blood, city of death, the horns of nimon, remembrance of the daleks, survival, the tv movie, deep breath, and world enough and time/the doctor falls. It was difficult to limit myself to just this list - basically every Romana story is a favourite to me, and everything from seasons 25-26, and series 10.
Also, if we’re talking televised spinoffs too, then the whole of Class, but especially the metaphysical engine, or what quill did. Quill is one of my favourite characters, probably because of the number of things she suffers, and how horrible she is to everyone, so of course I adore that episode! It’s such a shame that Class doesn’t get more love.
As a twelfth doctor fan you might enjoy Class, but I don’t think that’s necessarily guaranteed because compared to other spinoffs there aren’t that many links with the main show, and it’s an entirely original cast of characters. I personally enjoy Class as its own entity, so I understand why other doctor who fans aren’t as obsessed with it as I am, even if I wish they were.
It’s definitely worth watching, though. Most of the episodes are really good, with an original recurring villain (the shadow kin) in several of them, and some really imaginative ideas in form (two episodes set at the same time but for different characters.) The only episodes that aren’t spectacular (in my opinion) are eps 2 and 3, but even those are perfectly enjoyable. It’s set between series 9 and 10 for the doctor, and does capture the tone of 12’s era (my favourite part of post-2005 doctor who) quite well, despite the lack of character overlap. Most of the main characters are just fine, but Quill is brilliant - having a character who resents the doctor and has a differing morality to him makes it so interesting. Also, it certainly achieves what it set out to do with a teen target audience.