Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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In one today. That doorway is fairly recognizable.
Got it in 4. I was in roughly the right range of episodes at two, and I guessed the wrong Craig Owens episode at 3.
Two but I think had I thought harder it could have been one
In one, pretty easy this time
In two. That guy in the first shot didn’t look familiar at all, but that park looked like only one thing I remembered.
In 1, I didn’t recognize the guy, but I recognized the situation
Got it in 1!
In three. And that was a bit of a guess…
In two, the park was familiar
In two. I don’t like this episode much but for some reason I recognised the street
I got it in one. I didn’t recognise the shot, but I still thought of this episode, so something must have jogged my memory.
One today though I haven’t seen this episode in years!
In one - nearly went with a guess and then I saw the banister and realised the story.
In one after a bit of deliberation.
Exactly my scenario too!
In one. Come on, you can see him look up the stairs…
Somehow got it in 1. I recognized the image but couldn’t remember which episode it was. I almost went for his other episode. I don’t like it but that image is very recognizable.
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